smitty built winches


New member
I am really wanting to get a winch, and I've talk to some people that have a smitty built and they say that they work great. I'm looking at this one

Smittybilt Part 97210 - Smittybilt XRC10 Winch

its fairly cheap and for me being a student still that is good. i just dont want to have problems when i need it to get me out of a bind.
I bought an XRC8, and I love it, the price is right, and I've used it quite a lot since I purchased it two months ago. I don't think I'd spend the money on a Warn to be honest .

I agree. Warn is just overpriced, and it seems like all of them get rusty really fast, which just looks horrible in my opinion. I went with a smittybuilt, and it seems to be doing just fine for me.
I use PB Blaster oil on the cable to help preserve it but ultimately I'll go with synthetic winch rope.
You may want to check this out;
I myself caught the Superwinch EPi9.0 on sale a few years ago and saved $150 clams

That's what I run. I have submerged it a couple of times in water and mud, and it just keeps working. Last weekend, it pulled my Jeep (no lockers at the time because the air compressor died on me) from mud that was up to the doors; it pulled one inch at a time for about 15 or 20 yards; never quit, never complained!

I'll be honest, when it comes to winches, my theory is that I want something that I know will work no matter what. The winch is ussually one of your last solutions to a bad situation, which means, if it fails, more likely than not, you are stuck! Hence, I rather cheap out in other areas before this one... Buy whatever works for you, but keep this thought in mind.

Having said this, I have heard good things of this winch.


i want a warn but your paying for a big red W, so now i just want something that is going to work when i need it every time i need it. and ive read alot of good reviews on the smittybuilts just need to save money now. and im going with the synthetic rope, much safer that the cable in my opinion
i want a warn but your paying for a big red W, so now i just want something that is going to work when i need it every time i need it. and ive read alot of good reviews on the smittybuilts just need to save money now. and im going with the synthetic rope, much safer that the cable in my opinion

Well, this article helped me decide which winch I wanted; I hope it helps you too... It's a bit old, but still valid, I think.

Jeep Articles / General (Winches In Hell) - MoabJeeper Magazine
Well I sprung for the smitty XCR8 hood ornament and have been pleased with it.
I have had it on for over two years with no rusting problems in the Utah winters. Now that I am in Arizona I haven't worried about it for five months. I got to use it the other day pulling a car back over a parking block, (ok I could have used a snatch strap but using the winch was cooler). This is the second time I have ever used it and had no problems what so ever for the lack of attention those two years in Utah.

It seems they are all good. For the last 9 years have used and enjoyed the MM, 12,000. No rust, not weirdness and they draw little under load, even with heavy things and with all blocks used. Having them front and rear is also handy. They were $575 apiece for buying both together. The 1/2" line for both was only $35 extra, providing MM could have the new line back in trade.

Warn is just too much money and too flimsy, with the silly little frail plastic trim case. A 12,000 lb. Warn is now: $679.00, which isn't that bad really.

Warn Electric - 12,000+ lbs. - 12,000+ lbs. Electric Winches - Electric Recovery Winches - Winches and Winch Accessories - by 4 Wheel Parts

Just some thoughts,

When I was winch shopping I kept in mind just how much (or little) I'd be forced to use it. Detirmining that I'd likely use it mostly for self extraction, I consulted various product shootouts and for the money Superwinch Epi9.0 seemed the most logical choice for me and 'Betty'