Should grls have jeeps


New member

i love jeeps i think they are awesome i have a jeep backround on my computer i have a jeep screensaver and everything but i mean dang i got this in an email... "girls should not drive jeeps. Post your junk elsewhere you idiot!!!"
i mean i think thats stupid and sexist am i the only one that sees that ? yes i am a female but dang i kno i got more balls then alotta guys i kno... :lol: :lol: [addsig]


only if they have big balls. Ha, ha! Hell yes they should have at least one. (not balls) [addsig]

Yeah, that's pretty ignorant. Gives Jeep people a bad name. I personally think that it's sexy when girls drive Jeeps.

I've found that people have funny opinions about Jeeps, even Jeep owners. You'll get lots of people that will say that CJs are the only "true" Jeeps, or that they are all rust buckets. You've just got to take everything with a grain of salt I guess. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, some of these opinions are downright laughable.


are the posts i have been writeing on here junk and i need to take them somewhere else i am a grlYES but i am also trying to learn and this is great i am learning alot and i think its rediculas that a guy thinks just cause he is a guy that hes better then me and tell me i shouldnt get what i want i grew up trying to reach my goals and thats what im doing and geting a jeep was one i had at age 11 and im going to do that and if you dont like that jeepr im so very much sorry!


The pursuit of knowledge is never ignorant...go nuts. [addsig]

should girls drive Jeeps? it depends if they want to or not. and if you do then go ahead and do it - who cares what one person thinks, and if you have a goal than you shouldnt let anything get in your was especially one person. if you want a Jeep than get it. :-D
get a YJ ;-) [addsig]

I agree with terry... I think its hot when I saw girls cruizing around college in their jeeps topless. Go for it.[addsig]


Yes girls/women should drive Jeeps. They should also only wear tight jeans (shorts or long pants) and white t-shirts! :-D

Ok, in all seriousness. Why shouldn't a girl drive a jeep? Why send an e-mail like that? That's chicken$#!+. Who cares who has a Jeep? Do you want a Jeep? Then get it!

So far it's 4 to 1 in favor of you getting a Jeep.

And a YJ would be a good choice!

Todd :cool: [addsig]

hey judge...were the tops still on the jeeps?? haha.... Ashley... nothing gets to a man more than making him jealous... If you take a bad ass vehicle like a wrangler, and turn that into something that is YOURS... that is just what you are doing... when I see a female driving a jeep... it gets my attention.... I'll see it and be like "Swift, see that chickie drivin that? That's what I wanna see more often!!" Totally serious too... You don't need to question whether or not you belong here, the botton line is: YOU DO!!...

edited by: Snitty, Jan 31, 2003 - 07:45 PM[addsig]

yeah, i support girls driving jeeps too... i've met a small handful of nice female jeepers... the only suggestion i have for Ashley is that you check your spelling and grammar when posting... its a pain in the ass to read your posts because there's no punctuation! :)[addsig]

Go for it...get the Jeep sister...but remember, it is a lifestyle!! ;-) "Jeep Girls Love To Be Topless"...learn it, live it!! :lol: Enjoy, Patti[addsig]

Whoever sent you that email better not send my wife the same thing... She'll run over them in her Cherokee...

P.S. -> She is one of the few Cherokee drivers around here that will do "The Wave"[addsig]

Laws have mercy Ashley girl you do what ever you want to do drive what ever you want to drive and listen not to the babblings of idiots. Some folk are stuck so far up in the past that they will never be happy with themselves or any one else. I said it before stick to your guns and get yourself a Jeep and if you can aford it go Rubicon just make thoes of us that have not envy the new jeep girl! You may not know it yet but soon after you get that jeep you will take it off road and when you do you will become so hooked that you won't be able to waite and try it again. Have a ball and keep on posting! Tug :-D :evil: :-D [addsig]


hell yeah, girls who drive jeeps rock, there are like 4 of them in my local jeep club, and they know more about jeeps then some of the guys in there, its not about what ya got between your legs, its about what you got in your heart, and if you truely love jeeps then you will find yourself driving one, it was a childhood goal of mine, and i reached it, although now im cursing it cause i just pushed a rod and blew my bran new 350! :-x :-x :-x


I never said girls shouldn't have jeeps Just to set the record straight. The more jeep lovers out there the better off we all are :-D [*]null[addsig]


Should girls drive jeeps? yes they should but only if they want to. My wifes drives a jeep. OK she hates my 97 wrangler but she loves her 01 grand. and I even got her waving to all jeeps. the way it should be[addsig]


edited by: CaseysBabyGrl, Jan 31, 2003 - 05:58 PM[addsig]