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Sp tonite i am busy chasing people out of the park at 1 am when i hear 6 gun shots not far away at all. Then a car comes flying at me from the direction of shots and i see the driver with a gun in the same hand he is steering with. So i get in my car and chase him down. Turns out to be a local bouncer. So can't find the gun, hes that some other guy shot at him, he even goes so far to make up a name. Well more officers get on scene i start walking back to where i first saw him and come across a gun lying on the shoulder of the road, he apparently threw it, and it hit a tree and bounced back into the road. A stolen .22 calibre pistol. Well he claims he is innocent, yada yada yada. Then i get out my Gun Shot Residue test kit and he starts sweating. When i explain to him that if he did not hoot the gun then this kit will exonerate him, but if he did hes screwed. The boys head dropped like a sack of potatos. He also did not think about the finger prints on the gun. So needless to say we let him call his attorneys office, and we can hear his conversation. He says that he got caught throwing a gun out the window of his car. An admission of guilt to his lawyer in police presence. I love stupid people. And even better is the fact that he made the statement on a recorded police line. Hello jail. P.S. i do have to say that is the craziest thing i have ever come across so far.
Good story.
You mentioned drug house. I always hear about a shooting and then the phrase, "drug deal gone bad".
When exactly does a drug deal go "good"?

well bad for the druggie or dealer, not for anyone else.. Its usually when someone eaither tries to rip off the dealer or rob the dealer.
damn tweekers anyway
i think we should have a tweeker season. like deer or elk season only we take all the tweekers and hunt them down.

i hate tweekers, can you tell.
well bad for the druggie or dealer, not for anyone else.. Its usually when someone eaither tries to rip off the dealer or rob the dealer.

I know what you mean, I just was indirectly implying that drugs and drug deals are "bad" things, that is just the nature of it. Even if a sale is made and someone makes a good buy and a dealer turns a profit. It is not a good thing for society, because when the user runs out of spending money, he or she just turns to crime for the funds needed to support the additction.

and what is a "tweeker"?

dope head. crack addict. rock jock, crack head, druggie, you know a tweeker.
I learned something today...
Hey, would this guy be a tweeker?

Now, look at him would you? Notice the pupils constricted? The wonderful metallic gold paint that makes him resemble Homer Simpson.
If you look into his eyes, there is not alot going on in there. He is toast and not just while he is high, his whole life is shot, if at his age, I am guessing close to 40, his whole goal is to get high by huffing posionous chemicals into his lungs..... sad.

i would definately concider that particular fella a tweeker. is that a real mugshot. spray paint will mess you up good.

When exactly does a drug deal go "good"?

When one person gives another person some money, then that guy gives the first guy some drugs. Other than being illegal, it's the same as when a drunk goes into the liquor store and exchanges money for his mind altering substance. What's the difference? I'd rather be around a pothead than a drunk anyday. All the hardcore drug addicts would kill themselves off quickly if it was easy for them to get all they wanted. I say let them kill themselves.

This dude got arrested for shooting the gun, right? not for drugs?

I thought a tweaker was a speed junkie.
RE: Vent question

Junkpile said:
When exactly does a drug deal go "good"?

When one person gives another person some money, then that guy gives the first guy some drugs. Other than being illegal, it's the same as when a drunk goes into the liquor store and exchanges money for his mind altering substance. What's the difference? I'd rather be around a pothead than a drunk anyday. All the hardcore drug addicts would kill themselves off quickly if it was easy for them to get all they wanted. I say let them kill themselves.

Again, well said, Junk.

Junkpile said:
I thought a tweaker was a speed junkie.

Yeah, technically, a tweaker is a meth addict.
Junkpile wrote:
All the hardcore drug addicts would kill themselves off quickly if it was easy for them to get all they wanted. I say let them kill themselves.

Agreed. I just don't want them stealing my welder out of my garage, or reselling dope to kids just beginning to experiment with drugs, for the goal of making money to get high again, on their way to an early death.
In real life, they usually end up taking alot of people like relatives and loved ones, down a long path of sorrow before they die.
82 cj7 rear end trouble

you are right. Drug addicts do take everyone down the nasty road filled with sorrow and grief on their way to their deaths. We have a lot of burglarys and robberies all committed for the most part by druggies. They will do anything to get a quick high. Not too many alcohlics go and hold up a store or break into someones house to buy beer or liquor. Another thing, drunks do feel pain for the most part while people who are high are less likely to feel pain until later. I had a man snap a pair of handcuffs on me while he was cracked out. Yeah anyone an do that, but it shatters your wrists in the process. Druggies won't feel that until later. And yes he was arrested for the shotting and posseessing the stolen gun not for drug possession because he didn't have any on him.
Drug addicts do take everyone down the nasty road filled with sorrow and grief on their way to their deaths. We have a lot of burglarys and robberies all committed for the most part by druggies. They will do anything to get a quick high. Not too many alcohlics go and hold up a store or break into someones house to buy beer or liquor. Another thing, drunks do feel pain for the most part while people who are high are less likely to feel pain until later.

You've never read about the alcohol prohibition that happened in this country? Same story as what's happening with drugs today. People were dying from tainted whiskey because anyone who knew how to make it....did. People were robbing each other over it, and there were gang wars over who controlled the illegal markets in certain areas. Instead of finding trunks full of dope like today, they arrested people for transporting good old harmless booze. That was all while marijuana and several other drugs were still legal in this country, and people were going nuts over alcohol. That should tell us something.

For the most part people rob to get money for drugs because they are so expensive. They are so expensive because they are illegal. Outlaw alcohol and you'll start seeing people shoot each other over a bottle of vodka again.

We spend over 20 billion dollars and lose alot of good lives each year battling the war on drugs......and we have absolutely nothing to show for it.

I may be a little weak on my American History for that era, but I thought that alot of the arrest made for making, transporting, and selling whiskey was just because it was "untaxed".

Drunks are killers of innocent people also. According to MAAD, almost 40% of ALL traffic deaths are alcohol related, and that number is at least on a downward trend, it was up to about 60% in the 80's,1056,1298,00.html

So, drunks and dopers....pick your poision. :cry:
I think they all should be legal. It's a free country. I choose to avoid that stuff but if it's your bag (pun unintended) then go for it. We could still have the laws in place to prohibit motor vehicle operation under the influence, etc.

I agree with Junkpile's comparison to prohibition. It's the same thing.

Make it all legal and then the lowlifes who prey on their community for a buck will have to go get jobs and then the real crooks (you know... the pro's: big business) can take their place.

As scary as it seems when you first think of drugs being legalized, it makes alot of sense and there would be so much more control over it than we ever had even dreamed of with this stupid battle to keep it off the streets.

I know that stupid bouncer wouldn't have felt the need to carry that pistol because he wouldn't have had to go to a "drug" house to get his stuff.

Then why stop with just legalizing drugs?

Let's legalize prostitution, tax it, have the gov't run the brothels and let it fund our schools.
or better yet, just legalize rape also, you could tax the heck out of a good ole 20 minute rape?

If we legalize drugs, do you think that will take them off of the black market? That is plain stupid. Cigarettes are legal and way over taxed and there is a booming black market for them. Bad guys rip off shipments and sell them stolen tax free.

Which drugs do you legalize? Do you legalize coke and not crack? if you leave even any drug illegal, you still have a black market to deal with.

Legalizing drugs that cause violent behavior like PCP won't magically stop or lower the violence once the person starts buying "legal" PCP. When an addict runs out of money to buy more dope, legal or illegal, they will resort to violent crime to buy more. Period.

Just wait until the "legal" drug companies who sell cocaine start hiring lobbyist to lobby your congressmen and senators. You think big companies have our politicians in thier pockets now.......

Oh yeah, legalizing drugs is real smart.