Shenandoah Valley Trails


New member
Message to "Copper"

hey hey hey!
I was wondering if you guys know of any good [beginner] trails in the Shenedoah Valley--- if you dont, while you are here you might as well tell your fave trails--- what makes a trail a good trail to you?

thanks again
rc77 :roll:

Not too familiar with the area--- Virginia?????
A good trail to me is definitely one you can't have an open beaverage on.
( spillage is no good ) Tight cornering, lots of obsticles and lots of mud!!!!
yes it is in VA... hahaha yes i totally agree wiht you- mud is good!
my own thought: a clean jeep is a gay jeep (sorr if i offended anyone)

I live near Bristol Va. on the Tennessee side and have a ton of places to wheel if yo ever want to come this way. Our trails are mostly mountain areas with good hill climbing areas and steep drop offs that sometimes get a bit tight just ask Greawulf! There are so many look offs in the trail area of wonderful vally and river areas. The Mud is in some places to deep to mess with unless you are running some big meats. Ruts deep enough to make you think and many tight areas where you will get some nice Tennessee pin stripes for free. The laural and other trees hanging over the trails are unforgiven. all that makes a great trail but the thing that makes it great more than anything else is getting to share them with other like minded folks. So if anyone likes to ride the back trails and do so with preserving rather than tearing them up in mind just come on over. We will show you the trails we hold dear. tug
Hey there! Lotsa trails in the Valley area and all around there. Drop a line and let me know where ya are and I might be able to direct to what's closest or join us on a trail ride some time.

Ah and to extend the invite... we are having a trail ride in an area called Crabtree Falls this coming weekend (not far from Staunton, Va), 15-16 NOV 03 and anyone that wishes to come is more than welcome...

Drop a line and let me know what ya think and I'll let ya know meeting places and times,
