

New member

in my graduating class we had this kid, Sharkman. For the first 3 years of highschool, his only friend was a kid, Raptor, who was kinda like him. The rumor was Raptor was a crack baby, but we never knew what was wrong with Sharkman. The end of junior year was really hard on Shark because thats when raptor graduated, which ment he would have no friends or any place in school.
The following fall was the time when my class impressed me more than anything ive ever seen my entire life. Everyone said hi to shark in the halls. He sat at the cool kids table at lunch every day. Anytime some smartmouthed underclassmen mouthed off about shark, there was no shortage of seniors willing to put him back in his place.
Spring was probibly the hardest time for Shark. He didn't pass the MACAS test, which ment he couldn't get a diploma, and the end of school ment he would have no place in the world anymore. This was also the time where the senior class did even more than i would have though anyone could do for anyone. The Lax team took him in and made him the varsity manager. Being a state level team, that was a pretty well respected position. They gave him his own lax shirt and shorts, and he went to every team dinner. At the senior sports dinner his name was on back of the senior athletics shirt along w/ all the senior athletes. he even got a plaque (sp?) for being on the team, just like all the athletes do.
He was elected prom king, and everyone was happy for him. He hadn't paid for his ticket to the senior banquet so 40 min before it happened some of the guys went around and collected a buck from everyone to pay for him. That night he danced with every girl in the class, even the pretty ones. At graduation when he was called up to get his certificate of completition (sp?) (he didnt pass the MCAS so no diploma) not one person on stage dind't cheer their voice horse for him.
It would have been really easy to make fun of him, turn him into a big joke. He talked kinda funny and looked funny and kinda smelled sometimes. I am still amazed that no one did. It was never a spoken rule, but everyone knew sharkman was off limits and everyone would enforce it. His senior year was the best of his life. Sometimes people surprise you
- Reggie


Wish it was that way around here. :wink: Sully[addsig]

Take that shark man jeeping! show him a ral treat. Proud to know there are schools in the world like yours. so many times the people just do not see the value in all people. No mater the station in life there is still a need for all people. tug[addsig]


Thats a great story glad to hear some kids have hearts, they didnt when I was in school. Now thats something they should make a movie of. :) [addsig]

Wish it was that way around here. :wink: Sully

Sully you sly wordster,,
very subtle,,, Nice..

that JEEPZ.COM is off limits
to those who would bully and
harrass.. Trash always falls
to the Bottom. :-D

Bounty taught us to let that
happen,,, when they insult,
ignore, and KEEP JEEPING,,

Cause OUR Moderators have our '6'.
and OUR Jeep family is tight.

But it's not just the "Seniors"
around here who insure success..

It is every Jeeper, who rides
the cyber trails with us.

From their first post, it seems
that 98% only want to share, learn, and help...

AND those very few who want to cause strife..

I hope you can handle a little "stick time"
followed appropriately by 4 or 5 MP BODY SLAMS..
Naah,,, I'm too old for that anymore,,

We'll just "Loose" the K9, a little messy,
but extremely effective. :evil:

:lol: [addsig]


Im not talking about,Im talking about my school. :wink: Sully[addsig]

well it still applies,,

Sorry Sully,, I thought the WINK meant here.

"Wish it was that way around here. ;-) Sully"

My mistake... Correction.
noted,, just thought you were winking at us.
not your classmates.[addsig]


I learn something new everyday..
What exactly are you trying to convey
with your trademark.? just curious...
:-D is what I put here so you know
I mean no harm.

A ;-) Conveys a signal or a message.

Are you saying Wink, Jesus Loves You.
If so, I understand.

Just curious, no harm.

If this story is really about can let us know...we'll understand. And we can't smell you from this side of the monitor. :lol: [addsig]


MCAS testing sucks! I teach in Dorchester and there were a large number of students that did not pass the test and could not graduate. But my old high school had 100% passing seniors.

Cuke, where in mass are you located? [addsig]

no fellas, i am not Sharkman, but thanks for the concern. Here is South Hadley, which is 20 min north of springfield and home to the first womans college (MHC) and home to the first trans-falls boat lift. Im told that is a really big deal because back in the day boats had trouble w/ the falls on the conn. river or somethign. well, thats my story