Season Break


New member
We're into the "split" which is a two week break in the waterfowl season here in TX. Hunting resumes again on Dec 12th. Was a little slower than normal due to unseasonably mild weather up North this fall. We still had a couple good mornings like this ...


Going to the 31-10.50-15s mud grip made all the difference in gettng us through some nasty stuff so far ...


We have some important cargo to haul around ...


BTW ... I understand that Tiger Woods is replacing his old Escalade with a new Wrangler. Pics/Tiger.jpg
love the jeep! question, why do you black out your liscense plate? who cares if someone on the net sees it. any tom **** or jane driving behind you can see your plate. any one who parks in the same parking lot as you can see your plate?
Did you miss that Memo?! , if my memory serves me correctly, his wife made that for him so that the white reflective license plate doesn't spook off the ducks. Elmer fudd y'a know, lol.

I do the same thing. It's more vast on the internet in my opinion. There's alot of crazy people out there that ya just know could try somthing. Since of a little safety I guess. :rolleyes:
Actually ... the real reason I black out the Jeep plates in internet posts:

I was at Walmart a few months back. I came out of the store and headed directly to my Jeep in the parking lot. Just as I got to it two drop-dead gorgeous gals in short-shorts and cut off T-shirts (bra-less) approached me. They said they had car troubles and I looked like a harmless enough old man that might be kind and give them a ride a mile down the road to the Chevron station where thy could get some help. I told them sure, hop in, be glad to take them wherever they wanted to go.

The three of us in that Wrangler Unlimited's front seat was pretty crowded as you might imagine so I'm not exactly sure who's hands were reaching down my legs and such. But by the time we got to the Chevron station I really didn't care.

By the time I got half way home it suddenly occurred to me that my money clip was missing from my left front pocket. That's when it dawned on me that those two gals had probably pulled a scam. One kept me preoccupied while the other went through my pockets and probably stole my money clip. Or maybe it happened while I was holding on to both of them with my arm around 'em so they wouldn't fall out or such. I didn't mean to touch either inappropriately, often.

Anyhow ... ever since then I thought it might be best to cover the license number in case either one of those scam artists tried to file an entirely false report with the local authorities. I actually doubt they would do that since I've gone back to Walmart several times a week since to see if I might be able to offer them any assistance again if needed.

And that's the whole truth.
you know they were prostitutes... your supposed to pay them ;)

actually like charlie sheen said back in teh 80's when he admitted to getting hookers.. " I don't pay the women for sex, I pay them to leave"