San Andreas

as for Xbox and Halo2... I like Halo a lot... but even after playing it a million times.. i cannot get used to the 93 buttons, and their placement on the Xbox controller

I know that feeling. I dont have a PS2 or a xbox, but several friends here at school do. Anyhow, I love Halo, but just cant play very good on the xbox. Now on my computer on the other hand :D im not too bad on it. So if any of yall have Halo on your computer and want to play online sometime, just send me a message on AIM... Nathan61797

jps4jeep said:
I finished Vice City and it took me about 8 months of slow game play!
Never finished GTA3 though

I couldnt bring myself to finish Vice City. It does take a ton of time and the old lady was getting pissy. Plus my interested went to a new game. Some day! I did have friends who beat the game in the first week it came out. We were still in college at the time and it was like 24/7 Vice City.

I beat GTA3 but didnt quite finish vice city. HALO 2 in only a few hours!
hey jeep freaks!

i just got a chance to play san andreas and it was pretty cool 8) . i also just went to best buy, right when you walk in they have halo stuff and a register.