Safari rack for 1985 CJ7


New member
Looking to purchase a safari rack for my CJ and havent been too impressed with what I have seen except for Gobi Racks, but they don't have one for a CJ7. Any ideas? Need one for extra transport storage for camping/hiking/boating/surfing/sports/beer cooler/etc.... What is the body size difference between an '85 CJ7 and '87 Wrangler?
yes, it will work. we have swapped lots of stuff from my 87 wrangler to my buddies 85 cj7. he is goingto a wrangler windshield frame currently so he can use the family cage and synergy grab bars. we already put my softopper on his cj7 with his sport cage in place. he has used my full doors before and my hardtop. i have a cj7 center console in my jeep right now and had a cj7 tailgate on for a while