Rosie and Donald

Which person bothers you the most.

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Ok, if you have heard these two bone-heads are spatting with each other.
They are both richer than two foot up a bulls butt and I could care less about their petty existance........however.............I'm a little bored and wanted to see which of the two is the most annoying to you....and why.
Can we have paris hilton put on that list too?:purple:

mmmmm,,, Paris Hilton... skin and bones......mmmmm

Can we have paris hilton put on that list too?:purple:

There's so many you could put on there, it'd blow out the storage space on the server. Funny what money and "fame" does to people.
Donald's an arrogant Pr**k. I hate that B*****d even more than Rosie. She called him out on things that many people have been wanting to say about him for years. Namely the fact that he's no moral yardstick, and he's a hypocrite.

Every attack he's made toward Odonnell have lacked wit, and are low-brow types of comebacks like: "She's fat", "she's a slob" "i'm gonna sue her". What's next: "Nah nah nah nah boo boo"?

Good one Donald. You're a Jackass.

And as for suing her, for what? Defamation of character? You need character to defame first Trump. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if you don't like people saying things about you that you take objection to, then don't be famous. She didn't libel, and she didn't slander. There's nothing for Trump's legal team to stick their teeth into. The whole "Father's inheritance saved his bankruptcy thing" isn't good enough to win a slander suit. The term bankruptcy is appropriate, he filed chapter 11 in 99 for the hotel and casino portion of his company (as CEO). Trump also went into business bankruptcy, and almost had to file personal bankruptcy.

Not to mention, she's got money too, and the network's legal dept will be involved in any suit as well (to protect their interests) so, I don't see much coming of this supposed "Law suit" that he claims will be "Fun". Now if she said he sleeps with little boys, or is a serial rapist or something to that affect, then he might have a case. But she didn't.
This is yet another millionaire, with too big of an ego, making a mockery of the legal system and OUR resources. He thinks so little of the rest of us that he's willing to file yet another frivolous law suit and bottle neck a legal system that can ill afford it. He's the legal equivalent to a senior citizen driving a over sized SUV on the Freeway during rush hour traffic going 25 miles per hour with the left turn signal blinking for the last 30 miles. (except he's doing it for his out "entertainment" purposes.)

Trump, feel free to spend less time on TV, and more time on that road kill you call a haircut. (I guess money can't buy everything)
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If I had to vote one off the island it would be Rosie hands down, but I can't imagine what would stop me from making the Donald next ;)
Like him or not, he's doing something right..


Yeah... he is filthy rich!
look at that hair do.. on him.. It looks like a cat is lying on his head napping. It looks like with all of his money he could afford something a little more natural looking. But you are right, he always has a nice looking lady hanging off him.

Like him or not, he's doing something right..


Eeewwww!!! Seriously, dude, she looks like an alien!!:shock: Sorry, milk sacks aside, she just doesn't do it for me. Money may buy you lots and lots of good looking women, but I guarantee it'll never buy him love. I'd rather be destitute and have Sunshine than be rich without her.
Like him or not, he's doing something right..


Being born into money isn't doing something right. It's being lucky.

I could have a boob implanted girlfriend, mansions, and a successful real estate empire if my father was a multi-millionaire. He inherited 1/3 of a 600 million dollar company, in which he and his siblings sold.

He brags of the business school he attended. Living a life of privilege makes it much easier to get into the Warton School of business. I don't think he was worrying about his college loan application, eating Ramen, and scraping tips together at a coffee shop to get by during his education.

His first job was with his dad's company. Hmmm...wonder how he got a foot in the door?

So let's have some perspective concerning Donald's so-called success. At least Rosie came from meager beginnings to make it in show business. She came from a lower middle class family on Long Island, her mother died when she was 11. While attending college, she decided she wanted become a comedian, and was discovered by Ed McMahon's daughter. With this break, she got onto Star Search, and the rest his history. This is a story much closer to a rags-to-riches type of story. Much more impressive in my book then inherting daddy's money.
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