Roll call for Western Jeepz Peepz.

Re: DriveShaft Plumbing

indiemo said:
I'm in Pennsylvania right now, but I'll be moving to Denver mid-June. Can't wait to get out there!

and actually there might be a good chance that I'll be moving to Denver soon as well. Possibilities are Albuquerque, Medford, Austin, Denver, Boise, and Somewhere in and around the Bay Area.

I'd rather be moving to the Bay. That's home. :cry:

Utah_jeepster said:
Yo mingez.. you from the bay area man?
A Hayward boy over here

YUP. Oakland, Alameda, Inner Richmond District of San Francisco. I miss "the City"
newbie said:
dawson creek, b.c........wheelin the true north strong and free baby!
I have a friend who just moved from there. He says when the women there dress up they put on their best pair of sweat pants and gum boots.

bigTlilODD said:
Albuquerque, reppin the 505 yo! :lol:
BUR-QUE!!! Hey bud, hook a brotha up wit some Los Cuates.. I need NEW Mexican food. I get nothing but Mexico Mexican food. Yuck. :cry:
And for all of you NON-New Mexico peepz, there IS a difference.

cewtwo said:
Englewood (Denver), Colorado

Hey man... where about's in Englewood? I lived off South Santa Fe for a while.
I live just South of where Cinderella City (huge shopping mall) used to be. 1 block away from South Santa Fe. Two blocks South of the Englewood Recreation Center. In other words, Oxford (4100 South) and Santa Fe. You know the area?
Geneseo Kansas right here. Thinkin about in a week headin up north of Manhattan to Randolph ORV park and doin some first time wheelin. Been up there once before with a buddy, awesome place.

Yes, I agree!! I've never seen (on the events page) a get together within reasonable driving distance from the west coast

How do ZJs compare to XJs in terms of offroad capabilites?

I am game for sure. Maybe oregon or nevada or something.

I am up for wherever. I think this is something we should definetly do! Make the east coasters a lil jealous... 8) Im tired of always reading about their get togethers and how much fun they had! :evil:
So what kind of terrain would you guys want?? If you want sand, I could definatly show people around at the coast. But as far as trails and stuff like that, I'm not really sure where we could go that would be able to support a large number of people (and be friendly to "stock-ish" Jeeps).

Also, when does everyone want this to take place. In the past, people have brought up this sort of thing, but it never ends up going through.