Roll Cage & Sun Visor


Active member
For those of us with cages mounted in our Jeeps, have any of you came up with a way to mount your sun visor? I'm flirting with a U shaped bracket to go over the bar to the original mounting holes, otherwise just drilling into the roll bar itself which I think would look kind o funky.
Any thoughts?
My visors were pretty close to useless before I put my cage in. The only thing I use it for now is to hold my garage door opener.

I just took mine off, you could drill a couple holes in the bottom of the tube and tap them for machine screws and put the visor there, but I agree, they were pretty useless to begin with.
I tossed my visors pretty much within a week of tossing my carpets.

Being a welder for many years, my eyes are sensitive enough that I always wear sunglasses during the daytime. Pugs are my new favorite brand.

Hah! You think you have light sensitivity, I'm squinting with the darkest shades I can find in the morning commute. On the plus side, if need be, I can drive without headlights at night, but haven't had the need since I killed the old, evil Turbogus
Mine are still mounted in original locations and work as well as they did before. Usually I just use a velcro strap to tie mine to the crossbar of the cage and use it for a shelf.


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Loos like I'm gonna go with jps4's idea and drill and tap, when the sun does come out in this state, it's blinding