Replaces my fuel filter,

Hello members,

I have Jeep and each 15K my dealer replaces my fuel filter. I have been told that I may not need this done as often, what do you think. ??

Please let me know your suggestions...

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This is a Jeep forum.........perhaps you'll get a better answer on a Toyota forum.:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Google "Toyota forums".
OK........edit from "I have a Toyota" to "I have a Jeep"..........:roll: :roll: :roll:

What do y'all think????


I have both the vehicle Toyota and Jeep.

I have wrote the problem of my jeep but By mistake i had wrote Toyota instead of jeep in the post..

Thanks for give me right direction. :)

Looks like chris (along with about 6 other new users) is from India. I think he was up to no good.