Recovery Points


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RE: Re: RE: Re: Career Change 2: Radiologic Technology

Today I was in Mt. Braswell Ga. near Cartersville on a pick up of a derailed train car. I had to take a dirt trail say 3/4 of a mile to get to the tracks where I had to make a 90 degree trun to the rail roads right of way before crossing the tracks.

This put the tracks on the drivers side of my Road tractor and 39 foot dump bed trailer. Now the area had several inches of rain this week so the ground is soaked. I need to travle say 1/4 to 1/2 mile across a gravle ballast build up that the tracks are set upon over a small valley.

As went the the right hand or passenger side of the ballast rises to about 75 to 80 feet above the valley floor. the trail is wide enough with a couple of feet to spare so ol tug says "yep it can be done". I start across get across say 100 feet and the ground starts to give away under my tractor trailer.

About that time I start to suck most of the seat cover up my bum and my heart starts to pound as the truck starts to slide over the edge where I figure I will roll seveal time before coming to rest at the bottom.

Some how the truck comes to rest. I pop the breaks and get out. If I had any breakfast or even coffee earlyer Now would have been where I would have lost it. All seems settled untill we hear the train. Sounds pretty far off but it seems to be coming our way. The front wheel is right against the cross ties so chances our I am going to loose a mirror if not see my truck cause a train wreck and my beloved ol beast get knocked down the bank.

I radio our machinery opperator to come quick and do something he gets there and slides the only tires on the trucks that was on safe ground over 18" to keep from causeing a train wreck but onto the unstable large gravle ballast.

The truck slides even closser to going over and I call 911, not the right county some how so they transfer my call to the county I need. I need a wrecker I say one of them big ol wreckers to pull out a tractor trailer. She lets me know 911 in not a wrecker referal system and allows I need to call 411. hangs up!!!

I call 411 ask for Braswell Ga they hook me up with a wrecker service in Roswell Ga. and the phone tag deal gets way worse I will leave it at that. I call 911 back and try to explain to her I am not a car off in a ditch and what was going on and that peoples lives were in danger and I cared not if she call me a cop a wrecker or superman at this point just get me some one that can help us.

She calls the local sherrif tells him I am a smart butt and that I refused a wrecker. For him to please respond. So this local Yokal Depuity shows up with the attidude that I was a jerk and all he wants to do is fuss at me for being mean to the girls at 911. I explain to him I was not a jerk I was afraid for my life and the lives of others he could care less just wanted me to know I should not talk to 911 people like that. and Leaves.

Log story short 7.5 hours after the wrecker gets there they have to call in another large toy called a Cat 635C Bull Dozer to help the large Peterbuilt Wrecker. I finaly get my truck safely off the build up.

My truck has good recovery points, We had two recovery experts and still almost lost the truck with me in a couple of times. Total cost for the mess up $1650.00 now I have stuck a few jeeps but nothing like this before. Nothing like off roading in a turck with an empty weight of 36,000 lbs.

Only regreat I did not have my camera in the truck! Dang luck. hehehe tug

WHOA! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Glad you're okay Tug!
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Who

Man, Tug, glad you're OK!! Bet you were wishin' for that ol' YJ! I take it that you never got your load. :lol:

After reading your play by play, remind me never to get in trouble in Georgia - sounds like they have a heckuva "emergency" system down there.

your mountain bro',
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Who

holy crap... glad to hear your safe tug.

i woulda loved to see pics of that...

full traction suspension

Mercy me, Tug! Sure am glad you got out safely. Money ain't the issue, my buddy Tug is what counts!!

I start to suck most of the seat cover up my bum

That line says it all, Tug! Been there before!
How to clean your toilet

Sounds like it was a nail biter (seat too). That couldv'e got ugly, and I'm glad it didn't. Good thing a train didn't hit your rig, it would've gone through it like butter.
RE: Politics, religion, and her

Glad you were able to recover the rig without incident.... that would rot if it got hit...

RE: Attempted theft

WOW, Glad you're alright Tug!!!

Did you report that deputy? If I were in your position, that guy would have found himself strapped to the side of the truck as the edge slowly gave way.....that would make him change his mind a little.
RE: Step by step guide to a trans swap?

Tug-n-pull said:
Today I was in Mt. Braswell Ga. near Cartersville on a pick up of a derailed train car. I had to take a dirt trail say 3/4 of a mile to get to the tracks where I had to make a 90 degree trun to the rail roads right of way before crossing the tracks.

This put the tracks on the drivers side of my Road tractor and 39 foot dump bed trailer. Now the area had several inches of rain this week so the ground is soaked. I need to travle say 1/4 to 1/2 mile across a gravle ballast build up that the tracks are set upon over a small valley.

As went the the right hand or passenger side of the ballast rises to about 75 to 80 feet above the valley floor. the trail is wide enough with a couple of feet to spare so ol tug says "yep it can be done". I start across get across say 100 feet and the ground starts to give away under my tractor trailer.

About that time I start to suck most of the seat cover up my bum and my heart starts to pound as the truck starts to slide over the edge where I figure I will roll seveal time before coming to rest at the bottom.

Some how the truck comes to rest. I pop the breaks and get out. If I had any breakfast or even coffee earlyer Now would have been where I would have lost it. All seems settled untill we hear the train. Sounds pretty far off but it seems to be coming our way. The front wheel is right against the cross ties so chances our I am going to loose a mirror if not see my truck cause a train wreck and my beloved ol beast get knocked down the bank.

I radio our machinery opperator to come quick and do something he gets there and slides the only tires on the trucks that was on safe ground over 18" to keep from causeing a train wreck but onto the unstable large gravle ballast.

The truck slides even closser to going over and I call 911, not the right county some how so they transfer my call to the county I need. I need a wrecker I say one of them big ol wreckers to pull out a tractor trailer. She lets me know 911 in not a wrecker referal system and allows I need to call 411. hangs up!!!

I call 411 ask for Braswell Ga they hook me up with a wrecker service in Roswell Ga. and the phone tag deal gets way worse I will leave it at that. I call 911 back and try to explain to her I am not a car off in a ditch and what was going on and that peoples lives were in danger and I cared not if she call me a cop a wrecker or superman at this point just get me some one that can help us.

She calls the local sherrif tells him I am a smart butt and that I refused a wrecker. For him to please respond. So this local Yokal Depuity shows up with the attidude that I was a jerk and all he wants to do is fuss at me for being mean to the girls at 911. I explain to him I was not a jerk I was afraid for my life and the lives of others he could care less just wanted me to know I should not talk to 911 people like that. and Leaves.

Log story short 7.5 hours after the wrecker gets there they have to call in another large toy called a Cat 635C Bull Dozer to help the large Peterbuilt Wrecker. I finaly get my truck safely off the build up.

My truck has good recovery points, We had two recovery experts and still almost lost the truck with me in a couple of times. Total cost for the mess up $1650.00 now I have stuck a few jeeps but nothing like this before. Nothing like off roading in a turck with an empty weight of 36,000 lbs.

Only regreat I did not have my camera in the truck! Dang luck. hehehe tug

Lord, I love stories like this. So glad you're okay and the rig is out safe too. Bad deal all around. How did the trailer fare, and it's a wonder that didn't drag the tractor off worse.

Great story!!
Thanks for the kind words!!!! All went well no damage and all is good in the train recovery world once again. Doing an Auction this next week end Saturday the 23 for the local Sherrif Department and there is a nice Chrokee in it and it may wind up being my next Jeep Project and the fist long wheel base Jeep for ol Tug. If it goes any where cheap enough that is.

I know I have been not around so much as of late but life is good love what I am doing the money is great the adventure never slows down and I miss you guys! tug

just make sure it doesn't have the 2.8L 6 cyl. The 4 cyl or the 4.0L I6 and your golden but that 2.8 is a POS
RE: Re: RE: If you promise not to tell....

Tug that is just too amazing. I feel for you and am so glad that you were okay. It's nice to see you enjoying life and making money again, jeep or no jeep. Take Care!
