Rear gear


New member
I just had some work done on my jeep, my diff stamp say's I have 3.73 gears, mechanic say's the gears are 4.11 inside. Previous owner must have switched. I'm running 31" tires. According to an axle ratio/RPM chart I should be at 2800 RPM at 65 mph - but I'm at 2100 actually. I'm confused - any ideas for the difference in numbers. My speedo is about 1-2 mph out.

How did the mechanic determine the gear ratio? etched numbers or teeth count?.
The machanic had popped the dif cover off to replace the seal - he said the gear(s) had the stamping on it inside.
Here's a way you can check and closely approximate what your rear gear ratio is. It might be easier to check if you have a friend help:

On a flat surface, block the front wheels and jack up the rear so the tires are off the ground and sit on jack stands. Make sure the parking brake is off and the transmission is neutal. Make a chalk mark on the tire at 12 o'clock. Also make a chalk mark on the drive shaft. Rotate the tire one full revolution and watch the driveshaft as it also rotates. Count the number of revolutions the driveshaft made. This numbe is an approximation of your gear ratio (i.e.: wheel rotated once, drive shaft just slightly more the 4 turns equals close to 4.10 or 4.11 ratio, slightly less than 4 turns probably 3.73). A higher number will give you quicker acceleration and a lower top speed(also less gas mileage.) A lower number means slower acceleration with a higher top speed and better gas mileage.

Like you, I would want to know. This should get you close without having to pull the diff cover again.

As far as your calculation of 2800 rpm at 65mph does sound about right for me.I have 4.11 gears with 31" tires and mine runs really close to that number.I am usually around 3000rpm at 70mph.
thanks guy's for your feedback, but I stopped by and talked with the mechanic this afternoon (my wife picked the jeep up yesterday) and after talking with him he corrected himself to state that in fact I have 3.73 stock rear end. No issues.