Really Stuck in the SNOW!!!!!!


New member

That would suck!!

Most definitely!!!!! And Snitty thinks he's got problems!?! :shock:
Rubicon Express t-case drop kit

This looks like its in a shallow lake. Can you imagine what was going through the persons mind as it went over! Another reason to not drive on lakes! Call me a wuss, but I wont have to go fishing for my rig.
RE: 1980 CJ 7 51000 Orignal Miles

White said:
ya, lakes are bad.


I remember those pics


Am I going nuts or does it look like a dog is sitting in the drivers side :shock: :?:

Wasn't that an insurance commercial or something?
[/quote]Wasn't that an insurance commercial or something?[/quote]

Don't know it was emailed to me today as interesting spam by a co-worker.

I remember when I was in high school watching a couple of kids from Wichita (both 16 in one of their daddy's CJ) drive across the ice on Cheney lake near here. They got almost a mile across, within a quarter mile of the dam where it's the deepest, and just simply vanished in a cloud of steam! My buddy and I drove AROUND the lake to get there, and they had already gotten to shore, hitched a ride home and (presumably) made up a good story about the Jeep being stolen! Last I knew, the Jeep was still there, 40 feet below the surface next to the intake for the Wichita Water Supply. I've got a couple of friends that scuba dived to it back in '97. They said there are actually at least 3 Jeeps and countless other vehicles down there, mostly stolen and dumped. A few years later, I was swimming with some friends at an area called The Cliffs, when another kid we didn't know jumped in and broke his leg on something at the bottom. The road comes over a hill and dead ends about 100 yards later at the top of the cliff, and at that time there were no barriers there, just a 40 foot drop to the water. The Sheriff came out and they found a brand new Corvette upside down on top of a brand new Cadillac. Both had been stolen and dumped, but not stripped.

_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
Sparky-Watts said:
3 Jeeps and countless other vehicles down there, dumped, but not stripped.


Hmm......I do have the scuba gear and most of the necessary tools....... :wink:
Here is the rest of the story:

Blaine Hoffman, from the Great White North of Lumby, BC, writes, "The first snowfall in the mountains near Lumby, BC, had me chomping at the bit to get into the mountains and try out my new lockers. Little did I know that in a brief moment of poor judgment my Jeep would be laying on its side at the bottom of a (thank God) shallow lake. We never did find snow deep enough to challenge the Jeep, but on the way back after driving over several small ponds which were frozen solid, and after watching a buddy crack a nut on the edge of the lake, I couldn't resist! The temptation to see how lockers would work took over ! After testing the edge where I knew it was shallow and the ice was solid, I gave it some gas in an attempt to spin the Jeep around so I was facing along the edge of the lake. Instead of spinning around, I drifted straight out thanks to the front locker. I stopped the Jeep and let my passenger out in a moment of terror as we heard the ice cracking. After my passenger was out and I tried making it back to shore - and the ice slowly broke through. I managed to climb out as my 4x4 sank only getting my feet wet! After I calmed down, we decided to leave it 'till morning and come back with reinforcements."
Blaine adds, "Then 'Part Two' in the Night From Hell was my ride home. We were going a little to fast down a steep road and we came to a sliding stop with one tire hanging over the bank. Two of us hopped out and tried in vain to hold the Jeep from going over as the driver tried to work three pedals at once. It went over for a slow roll.

The next morning we found a wrecker willing to come and rescue us. After rescuing the first Jeep, he failed to make it up the icy hill to my Jeep. Thankfully many friends came to the rescue; in particular a friend with a one-ton Ford and a 9,000 lb winch. It took a couple of snatch blocks and it was enough to bend his bumper. There was also lots of chain saw work to be done on the ice to free us. After about four hours we had it out and pulled it home. If it had been out there one more night it would have really froze in as the temp dropped to -15° Fahrenheit."


from here:

so is it safe to say that a Jeep will definately float but will not float indefinately......
_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
so is it safe to say that a Jeep will definately float but will not float indefinately......

Yes, much the same way as a rock will float, only even less indefinitely than a Jeep! :lol:
Hey, that's about a 4 hour drive from me. I have friends that live near there. Next time I'm in the area I'll keep my eyes open for that jeep.