RE: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy


New member
RE: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

In a nutshell, Paragon is in jeopardy of closing for good. Their landlord is trying to break their lease so they can sell the property to a developer. They have something like a 20 year lease and they have held up their end of it.

Please help keep open one of the few off road parks on the east coast. I'm not sure how effective this petition will be but it is legit and we need the support of anyone with an interest in offroading.
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Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

Have never been there, but was looking forward to going in the near future.

Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

That really stinks. I hope it stays open.
Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

Signed! I feel sorry for you East Coast folks and your small mountains. :lol: ;) ;)

Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

I wonder how closing the park would affect those two gas stations right off the exit. It'd truly be a shame to see Paragon go. Wheelin' with my daughter every other month would turn into once a year... maybe.

Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

Well I know that nearby offroad park Rausch Creek would be over crowded every weekend and it would hurt the gas stations. I forget the name of it but the one with the convenience store and deli makes a killing on people airing up alone.
Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

I've never been to Rausch Creek, but plan on it this summer. The people I've talked to say I've been spoiled with Paragon compared to Rausch Creek. Speaking of talking to people on the trail, I haven't seen the Unimited out there, yet. =D


Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

You won't see my LJ anytime soon. I don't plan on wheeling it as it is my DD.

The YJ is my trail rig.

Re: Paragon Adventure Park lease in jeopardy

Hope everyone sign the petition! It's going to take a lot to stop this from going down.