
TwistedCopper said:
Ol' Dan Rather is stinkin' up the airwaves pretty bad right now :lol:

Yep, this probably hurt the Dems more than it ever could have helped them, and it futhered my total disgust for all of the media.
Bad liberal media icon!!! bad bad bad!!!
4.88's would be better with 35's. Taller gears will cause undo strain on the... Oh, wrong thread! Oops my bad.
So What happened? I haven't had time to keep up but the radio said someone called kerry and said they had some documents on Bush and they'd release them for him? What did Dan do? Dan needs to retire anyway........

Clue me in please, I don't want a subcription to the NYT. :-(


well let's see... the reader's digest version...

60 mins ran a story about Bush and his poor performance in the guard. They had documents/reports showing his performance should have prohibited his honorable discharge and supposedly proved he was given preferrential treatment because of family influence(s).

Turns out the Documents were made with a microsoft Word font (didn't even exist back then).

False documents... forgered signatures... dirty hands from Dan Rather to the producer and all the way to Kerry campaign folks.

This election needs an enima. So does CBS.
Thanks for the condensed version :)... I have not been able to keep up with all of the junk going on in the world, what with work and all, been kinda rough...

Likewise thanks so much for the condensed version. So they've even termed the situation "RatherGate". Interesting time on someones hands.

Imagine bashing and namecalling during an election year!! The Gall!!

Off topic, my opinion of Dan Rather (for years now) has been that he needed to retire long ago. He just seems like an old fogey grabbing for every string he can get. I remember watching him countless times when he forgot what he was saying or said the wrong dates, times, places, etc. EVEN on 9/11. I thought he had lost his mind reporting that day. I can't stand to watch him and never do.

CBS is my favorite station ever though. I got hooked watching Charles Karult's Sunday Morning's and 60 Minutes during the week and my local news is on that channel. I can't fault any reporter or large media company for making mistakes. We all make them.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I don't have much time for all these politics either but that's mostly because I chose not to follow it. Just tell me the end result of an election and I'm happy.

I'd rather watch the weather channel these days. I just saw this morning Haiti has 1200 dead and 1200 missing from the lastest hurricane. Now there is something to be mad or sad about. I wish we could all get down there and help those poor people.


Tough year down there for sure. I am truly sickened by this election and the 2 parties that dominate it. I got a chance to see W today during his press conference. He is no public speaker. Granted, he was slammed pretty hard by the reporters, but the guy is always at a loss for words :roll:. Kerry is never at a loss for words, but never the same twice :lol:

So who will it be, Mickey Mouse or Daffy Duck? NeoLibs or NeoCons? I'm beginning to feel much the way you do, Lady. Where's mighty mouse when you need him...
It's nothing new - always the lesser of two evils. The founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
Doubt Dan was writing his own stuff, he has been showing some of the same signs as President Reagan, used to. Daschel the other day, was on one of the news programs, talking about the plight of the working man. I remember when he was raising heck, becuase somebody wanted to decontaminate the post office (anthrax), before his office. Paraphrasing, he said, government is more important than a bunch of smucks at the post offfice.
Don´t know which would be the better president, K would probably get it right every other day, has a 50% chance of changing his mnd in the right direction. Bush most ways, seems to have some good people around him.
Think I´m gonna vote for whomever steps on there crank, the fewest times during the debates :D .
Some of the people around Kerry really give me the willies. Daschel and Kennedy to name a couple. Though Biden, does seem like he may be a decent sort.