Rate me!


New member

LOL just trying this out. Be honest....

(uhhhh, ya. This link is most definitely gone!) lol



Creditability Shot Dude,
I mean you look like my oldest kid and that aint no braging right!
Just kidding your a real dreamboat!!!! There do you feel better! Hee Haw Hardy Har Har Har Belly Roll giggle sniger snort snort. Sorry Jeeper84 I could have been nicer if you had not of said be honest!

heh... if i was a girl...

haha... i can't say it...

maybe if i had some drinks in me...[addsig]

heh... from an AOL Convo after i posted previously... and i notice he took his link down... it WAS a link to his hotornot.com picture... i could drum it up out of my history file, but that'd be pushing things... this guy could seriously kick my scrawny ass... i'm not sure i'm a pretty boy, considering my hair is shaggy and i dress in salvation army clothes (for fun, and it saves money for jeep expenses!) but in the picture this gus has some gelled up bleached california surfer style hair and a wool sweater... who's the pretty boy again?

ItsGusjr: f'ng pretty boy

dingus84: who

ItsGusjr: i'd kill you

ItsGusjr: you!

ItsGusjr: a few drinks?

dingus84: i'm a pretty boy?

dingus84: lol

ItsGusjr: azz

dingus84: what did you expect?

ItsGusjr: not much from you

dingus84: you post a pic to a board full of GUYS

ItsGusjr: LMAO

ItsGusjr: true[addsig]


Now was that nice taken the link down. Come on Dude lets show the guys how cute you really are. Be proude of what God gived ya!

Can not belive you are going to deny these Jeep folk a chance to rate you after you got it started.

Hey Dingus guess I not as worried as you as I am just under 6 foot at 276lb. with a bunch of old crazy US Army Infantry and Special Training Tricks up my sleeves! Like I said he looks like one of my kids LAMO

As far as I can tell the pic link just fanished![addsig]


ooo hes soooooooooo pretty. wait... i thought this was a JEEP BOARD. when did we start putting pretty pretty sweater pictures of ourselves up here? maybe if you were wearing that cute little sweater while your Jeep was in the middle of a mud pit or something it might be acceptable, however you're just askin for it by postin it here. you might try beautyboard.com and see what they think.

WOW, you're really ugly.

I'm sorry I ever clicked on that link.

Anyway... check out mine:




You're all just jealous you didn't lower yours...

ha. fools... you moved them the wrong way with your lifts and shazz...

That's okay though, 'cuz I have my sweet system to blast as I cruise down the STREET. (street: a paved way or road...)

Yeah, that's right. I treat my jeep with love and respect. I drive safely ON the ROAD, not OFF the ROAD.

I can't believe you all would do such horrible things to your jeeps.

You should all hang your heads in shame.

You ain't much better. As far as the driving safely thing, we drive safley OFF road probably more than ON road.
Love and respect YOUR Jeep, drive it the was it was intended to be driven. Like they say, "Use it or lose it."[addsig]


yeah rollajeep, if you wanna drive something on the street, get a civic! sell your jeep to someone who will use it for what it was made for... pussy![addsig]

It's just someone yanking your chains cause that photo was on the hotornot board yesterday when Jeeper84 made his blunder. I know cause I looked to see what other examples of natures misfortune were there! Think about it a newbie poster form a gal on the same "off the wall look at me board". Talking about a sore subject that tears us up "wasting good Jeeps" Get this back on the real subject you know "hey look at me I am pretty"! Good try though, but it will take more cunning of a trick to get this old hound dog off the true trail. Hehehehehe


Jeeper84 You are a great sport! I had a chance talk to him last night in the Jeepz.com Chat room. Not only did he take the razzing like a man he had the ability to laugh along with us. I can take a razzing as well ( I am Married you know ) So the moral of this story is if you get yourself in trouble around here count on getting poked and proded a bit. All in good fun thanks Jeeper84 and I would ride with ya any time. Tug

ps your not that bad looking of a guy! heheheheh

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>ps your not that bad looking of a guy! heheheheh

um.............. heh... good to hear he took it well, i locked my car doors last night just to be sure.[addsig]

LOL thanks Tug. I think there's a board that you actually can post your Jeep to be rated. -Mike