

New member
Just need to get this one off my chest, I'm not a happy camper right now.

Yesterday was my 23rd birthday. I had planned to go out to Mongolian Barbecue for nice friends and family birthday dinner, being that I am currently working 75-85 hours/week, it is so rare that I get to do ANYTHING fun besides work or sleep. Well, plans got changed. My mom found out, on Wednesday, right after I got the idea in my head and told everyone, that she was going to be ending up working an open to close at the pet store on Friday. Now, I'm not going to have a friends and family dinner at Mongolian Barbecue if my mom can't be there, I mean damn, she IS the one that like birthed and raised me, so naturally, I'd like BOTH my parents to be there. The debacle started on my birthday...

It was a rainy day, and I did work my day job, which I enjoy. Got a bunch of random tasks done since we couldn't be out mowing, it all turned out very well. The problem was with my friends. One of them is, well, ****ed off, for lack of a lighter expression, at me because his girlfriend can't do Saturday, so he's not sure if he's gonna be down here, or out there with her. He, at least, wished me a happy birthday. My other buddy blows up my phone about, oh, 6 times, I finally answer in the middle of Rosie's Park on graffiti patrol... Hey Sean, when's dinner? Tomorrow. I explain the situation. Geez, tomorrow, well, I guess I can make it, is my girlfriend invited? Allrighty, catch you later. His voicemails were pretty much the same; when's dinner... Conspicuously absent was the standard "Happy Birthday" that all your close friends are really supposed to give you on your birthday... Basically, what ended up happening with them, and all my other friends was that with dinner no longer happening, they all went out of town or busied themselves with plans. One has a wedding, saturday doesn't work. One has other plans, but maybe will make it. I don't begrudge those with more important things to do, as plans DID change, but that excuse only washes for like 2 people.

My birthday consisted of coming home, cold and wet after work, my brother presented me with a little RC Jeep for my present, we played with our Jeeps in the kitchen floor for a couple hours. I went up to my room, sat at the computer trying to get a hold of people, and I went to bed. That's it.

The original reasoning for dinner being Friday was that I have all day Saturday off. This means that I can stay out as late as I want, and sleep in as late as I please. Saturday, not so much, working an open to close for Mother's Day in the kitchen...

That just kind of upset me that they're copping an attitude with me because plans changed. And then jumped ship... Ok, we aren't doing dinner, you want to hit up the bar or something? Go play laser tag? Come over for cheese and wine? Play hopscotch in the driveway, something!

Just needed to vent, and you're all my closest friends besides the crew that lives in Michigan, and that is up for re-evaluation sometimes...

Well Happy 'B' Day none the least...I will hoist a cold one and wish you well on this day. And give you a few lines from a favorite dirge that celebrates someones birth day...

Happy Birthday....
Happy Birthday...
May the candles on your cake....
Burn like cities in your wake...
Happy Birthday....
Happy Birthday...
Utah_jeepster said:
Well Happy 'B' Day none the least...I will hoist a cold one and wish you well on this day. And give you a few lines from a favorite dirge that celebrates someones birth day...

Happy Birthday....
Happy Birthday...
May the candles on your cake....
Burn like cities in your wake...
Happy Birthday....
Happy Birthday...

Well, same here, Sean. Utah always puts things so well, so I thought I'd just mooch in on his post. Just remember, birthdays definitely lose their luster after 50 or so..:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Regardless, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the muds in Silverthorne, Colorado!!
mud4feet said:
Well, same here, Sean. Utah always puts things so well, so I thought I'd just mooch in on his post. Just remember, birthdays definitely lose their luster after 50 or so..:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Regardless, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the muds in Silverthorne, Colorado!!

Ditto. Actually, after about 25, birthdays really don't mean much anymore. It's just another day on the calendar, only serves to remind you that your one year closer to death.:(

Happy Birthday Sean.:D

Hey don't let it get to you that bad. People can be petty.

Sorry to hear about the birthday. Now at least you can extort free drinks out of them the next time you go out, if you really play it up maybe they'd even shill out for the top shelf stuff.
It's not even so much the birthday thing itself, as you all pointed out, and it rings true, things change as time goes on... No family dinner, no cake with candles to be blown, things like that fade as the realities of work and obligation set in, this comes with age...

But a simple "Happy Birthday" does more for ya then "When's Dinner"... As does a beer with friends or something instead of, oh, plans changed, see ya...

And muds, what are you two doing in Colorado?
Saurian said:
And muds, what are you two doing in Colorado?

And how the heck did ya get from yer mountain hideaway to Colorado without going through Kansas and stopping by to see yer best bud Sparky and his gorgeous wife Sunshine?!?:?

Saurian, I would have played hopscotch in the driveway with you on your birthday. How WUDE! lol

I'm sorry you had a crappy bday man. I have been there before. It is depressing when your the celebrating kind. I hope that your week improved after that though.

Hee hee hee... Not at all. It got worse, ending up with me working a 12 hour backbreaker for Mother's Day, and I was on fry, and we had a Cactus Blossom (blooming onion, onion blossom, cactus flower, deep fried battered onion) promotion, they were pushing them like crazy, I made over 90 of the stupid things, among all the other crap... Not a good weekend at all.

But, soon the Mounds will open up, and I will just go out and do some good wheeling, haven't been able to take the Jeep out since I got it lifted, can't wait to see what it'll do :)
well, your belly will be higher up, but unfortunately you're still going to drag the diffs just as bad!

Dude your rant is soooo timely. I had similar issues arise between myself and my friends. I have, for whatever reason, been designated the "Planner" of the group. I put WAY more effort into all of my friendships than my friends do. It can get frustrating.

Sent you a PM of my recent foul-mouthed cursing rant posted in my blog.

Just don't let it get to you!

mud4feet said:
Well, same here, Sean. Utah always puts things so well, so I thought I'd just mooch in on his post. Just remember, birthdays definitely lose their luster after 50 or so..:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Regardless, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the muds in Silverthorne, Colorado!!

WHAT??? You all know I live in Denver...right? I live right off of I-70. Are you all coming into town?

I'm slightly sick right now, but I'd love to meet up for some drinks, lunch, geocaching, rockclimbing...whatever.

MUDS!!! I can't believe you didn't send me a note!!!
LadyJeepFreak said:
Saurian, I would have played hopscotch in the driveway with you on your birthday. How WUDE! lol

I'm sorry you had a crappy bday man. I have been there before. It is depressing when your the celebrating kind. I hope that your week improved after that though.

LADY!!!! Nice to see you poking your head around here! We miss you.
Saurian said:
........And muds, what are you two doing in Colorado?

Sparky-watts said:
And how the heck did ya get from yer mountain hideaway to Colorado without going through Kansas and stopping by to see yer best bud Sparky and his gorgeous wife Sunshine?!?

mingez said:
WHAT??? You all know I live in Denver...right? I live right off of I-70. Are you all coming into town?

I'm slightly sick right now, but I'd love to meet up for some drinks, lunch, geocaching, rockclimbing...whatever.

MUDS!!! I can't believe you didn't send me a note!!!

Sorry to hijack, Saurian, but we got a deal on plane tickets we couldn't pass up so, after 11 years, mudwoman has finally come to the West to see her son and his family. And Sparky, we took the silver bird so we couldn't stop by - you know we would never miss that chance. BTW, from the plane we saw all those circular fields out in western Kansas. I guess that's this irrigation stuff you work on - those huge rotating sprinklers? (pics to follow)

And Mingez, many, many apologies. We had both forgotten that you live in Denver - we are not far away at all - Silverthorne's just a little farther west on I-70, as I'm sure you know. Our plane leaves tomorrow morning (Tues.) at 8:00 a.m., so there's still time (tho very little). And we are jeepless out here, so our travel is kinda limited. Sure would be great to meet before we go.

Hijack over, pics to follow.
Happy Birthday man. Sorry I couldn't be there to take ya out for a drink. Sounds like we both need one or two. I understand. I go hit by that car while on a traffic stop and found that a guy who i thought was my best friend seemed to drop off the face of the earth. I am stuck in the house for another 6 months and ever since her got his four wheeler i have not even received a phone call form him. Sad part was that I was hit back on March 9th and still haven't talked to or seen him. EVen more sad is that I helped him graduate from police academy. He was my partner in academy (hes a state fire marshall) and his toy is more important than me. They always call my other friends to ask about me, but won't call me. Makes me mad, but on the other hand i see who my true friends are.

mud4feet said:
BTW, from the plane we saw all those circular fields out in western Kansas. I guess that's this irrigation stuff you work on - those huge rotating sprinklers? (pics to follow)

Nope, I just do the lawn irrigation, not the agricultural. That is an impressive site from the air, though, isn't it? Of course, that's why we don't have any water in the Arkansas River north of town anymore. When I was a kid, it ran deep and wide, now it's barely a trickle because those western Kansas farmers and eastern Colorado farmers have sucked it dry.....