Rain Dance Rant-Any Advice?


New member
:oops: Okay gang. I know some of you are hardcore long time Jeepers so help a girl out!

I am trying to dig EVERYTHING about my Jeep, and I love to ride with the top off or down right? About a month ago I got a bikini top which has a header that bolts on to the windshield right? Okay, well that wasn't easy to put on and I decided I wasn't taking it off and putting it back on all the time.

BUT <start totally irritating rant>

For some freaking reason this has been the rainiest year EVER in my state. I have seen more rain this year than I have seen in my ENTIRE life. My Jeep is about three months old and I cannot tell you the number of times it's been wet on the interior. Okay, now I asked a couple of people long ago about bits of rain here and there in my jeep and the general response was "it's just rain, itll dry out and the jeep will be fine". Okay I could deal with that.

BUT Just this week alone, were having these HUGE storms run through all of a sudden at night, I'm talking three inches of rain or more a night! The $$##!! rain comes THROUGH the binkini top and down the inside of the jeep, under the hood, Just everywhere. Two nights this week I've been out during the storms and tonight was the worst. I am working at the mall in a place where I don't have any backup and couldn't get outside to do anything about the Jeep at all. All I could have done anyway was pull the soft top up and let it sit over the bikini. The sides would have still been all open.

<Sigh> My dilemma now is that I have a brand new jeep sitting in three maybe four inches of rain inside? Every single spot in the jeep is SOAKED and has water sitting on the surface of it. I'm going to love my ride home. My spare towel for drying is at home drying out from last nights storms. OH and Joy of Joys, my seats are cloth. Oh and I have rusting parts already on the jeep due to the quality of the parts or the rain, whichever.

So, what is my issue here, what can I do to better this situation. It's driving me totally insane. I hated putting the soft top on and off with the windows and all. I love the bikini for when it's nice out and for even a little rain (which we never have). I'm not thrilled all cooped up in the full top either.

I need advice, maybe there is something I am missing here ? Maybe I am just going stir crazy with this chitty weather. If so, please scuse me and thanks for reading my rant. <stop totally irritating rant>

P.S. I did not put "have a daily wet tshirt contest" on the poll for a reason! lol I don't wear white that often. :lol:


You could move here, hasn´t rained in months. There is a river nearby that usually has ship traffic on it, now it can be walked (or driven, HEHE), across.
I´m really sorry I sold my YJ, now.
I got really good at removing and installing my side curtains and half doors. Just takes practice. A little zipper wax on the zippers really helps things.
Sooner or later, your gonna have to lift up the carpets and dry out the mating under the carpets or they will start smelling like sour owl chit.
I took out my carpets and replaced them with astro turf. But I don´t guess thats a solution for a new Jeep.

Would a Jeep cover like this work for you?


The above cover is available in various colors at the following web site:


BTW...Shouldn't the first poll choice read as, "Install phins and ... "?




PS: I am worried about you...all that ranting and stuff. I think you need to check out this web site. Sit back, enjoy the pictures and the music...especially the music.

Thanks for the advice guys! Where do you live mudder? Oh and I did pull the carpets and plugs, weeks ago. Not worried about that part and it being new. It's easier, your right, I got that nasty smell right off the bat!

Inspecter, you are so right about the phins, I was not thinking! That jeep cover looks really good though, I will have to check it out and the site link you posted. I have had a corona (or two) now, things have to look up! lol I was at work when I posted the rant and I had ran out in the middle of that storm and saw my Jeep in that condition, boy was I an unhappy camper.

Oh Gadget,

This site I have loaded on another page is just soooooooooooo nice! Is this yours or something you found? I love it so and your right it was just the thing I needed. I would die to be on a beach like that one in the end of the first song. Btw, that is the first favorite buffet song I ever had when I was given my first album.

Thank you again from one pirate to another, I can't thank you enough! Phins Up!
Hello again, Lady,

The transpoman site is not mine. I wish I were that talented!

Some months ago, I was looking at the homepage of the company which produces the "Boomer" software used by transpoman to create that presentation. There were (still are) hyper-links to customer examples of web presentations produced using the "Boomer" software. One of those links is the link I gave you in my "PS."

I never did purchase the software, but I bookmarked transpoman's site because I enjoyed the music and pictures. Sometimes, I let the music play in a minimized window while I do really important stuff on my PC. For example, like when I am popping the bubbles in manic-mode on the virtual bubblewrap webpage.


I am glad that you enjoyed the music and pictures.

A Corona toast to all pirates.

I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I too, am in Maryland and am sick of the torrential downpours! It's incredible. We've got more rain than SEATTLE this year!!! My philosophy (WAS) :"it's a Jeep! You wanted a Jeep, you got a Jeep, Deal with a little rain through the summer" Now, the full soft top is back on with the windows behind the seats ready for the next storm from hell. The last straw for me was last week when driving on Rt 50 from D.C. (the crap-hole I work in) and we got a nice little squall with 60 mph winds :shock: . After that, I reluctantly put the top back on and am dealing with it. One good thing that comes from all this rain is it has made lots and lots of MUD!!! :D

I've seen Buffett about 8 times. All of them were lawn seats at Merriweather. Man it has been a while! I used to bring a 12 volt/AC converter and a blender for margaritas -and of course, salt!

Actually, not as much this year, but we usually get plenty of those days!

when I bought my jeep 3 years ago, I noticed rain more than ever. At first I was always in a big rush to cover it up. Then it dawned on me, if you can't beat it, join it. So off I went to buy a new rain coat. I also have the bikini, windjammer and duster cover combo, and the rain still makes a mess. I ended doing the herciliner thing, and I've stopped worrying. Oh, with 4" of water inside, rubber boots will be handy.
Good luck, and I hope the rain will stop soon for you.
A seep! LMAO Twisted, man I was out in that storm too! Drat. I agree. You work in DC? Ugghh, ever come down this way or where do you wheel in MD? I'm at a loss for as to where to. Looks like the votes are for an amphibian jeep. LOL Oh, I saw buffet at Nisaan this year, they say there are other plans for that place. I hope they don't rip it down. Fond Memories.

I have since taken the kini off and put half the soft top on. I had to throw out some stuff that was stored in the back of the jeep, due to last weeks rain. I swear it's insane.

Wride. LOL man I had some platic raincoats, the disposable kind? They went fast when I had a crowd in the jeep and it rained a few times. Rubber boots, good idea. I need to get the windjammer duster combo, i just have the kini and it's not nuff.

Thanks for the thoughts all! It's dry today, thank heaven.
[quote You work in DC? Ugghh, ever come down this way or where do you wheel in MD? ]

Yeah, for the phone company. Love my job, hate D.C.! Might be heading that way in October. The place I used to go wheeling is now got a highway going through it :cry: I was checking out that site you posted, looks like there's a few not too far from here. I'll look into it further... I've got 6 other Jeepers I work with and a 7th is looking into buying one. We're talking about a wheeling trip but haven't got our stuff together on when, where, etc. I'll post it when we do, although it might be a bit of a ride from downeyocean, hon! (it's a bawlmer thing)[/quote]

My accident

I am in the same position, I love running around w/ no doors or top. I did put in the hurculiner which helped but the worst happend last night. It rained and I had no top on at all and I didn't think much of it. Just dry the seats off and drive right? No, my new radio doesn't turn on now!! It was working last night but this morning nothing. Now I just hope the guys will fix or replace it for nothing. Does anyone know how to prevent this radio from getting wet? I know... put the top on... but if there is anything else...