quick question for law enforcement


New member

To any of ya'll who are part of the under paid/appreciated over worked/stressed occupation AKA - cops - here is a question you probably haven't answered too often. Here goes - back during Christmas time I wrapped lights around all my roll bars and plugged them into an inverter and drove around at night wearing my Santa outfit while stimulating seasonal spirit. Is that illegal? (to drive around at night with Christmas lights on all around your roll bars) ...and yes...the lights are still on my Jeep...too lazy to take them off...but just curious. Thanks for any insight.[addsig]


I'd do something like that also. And yes my x mas lights are still on my house.[addsig]

each state would have different guidelines... here in NY... they'd punch us for something like that... or else I probably would have done it. plus... the cops in our town are paid quite well... that is why 80 percent of the students in this area go for criminal justice.... they don't realize that law enforcement is much more than this rinky dink small town stuff.[addsig]


I know from experience that in the state of Massachusetts, any type of non factory colored light is illegal. christmas lights is what I got busted for, it is a distraction to other drivers. As well, having neon lights under the car on or in the car on is illegal. Even having you interior lights on while driving is illegal in mass, it is all considered a distraction to other drivers!

here in the tarheel as long as the lights are not blue and if they oscilate or turn if they are red then it is not a problem. only emergency vehicle can have rotateing red lights and you better be in law enforcement to have a blue light of anykind !.......odax :-D [addsig]

i got pulled over in my civic for having my blue neons turned on... the cop wrote me a ticket for $95... blue is a big no-no for extra lights... fire dept. people use blue on their cars to get traffic to move for them. most likely the cop would've given me a warning if mine weren't blue.[addsig]


Maybe you got pulled over and ticketed because you were in a Honda civic. :lol: :lol: [addsig]

haha... most likely, yes... i also had intake/exhaust... the cop figured i was a 'rice boy'... i don't blame him. i would've given me a ticket too! :)[addsig]

You are lucky that it is only blue, in Mass, everything but yellow is illegal regardless of rotating.
Green-parks service
red-emergency response
amber-state road repair crews (mass port, local dpw, etc)
I am unsure of purple, but my best bud got busted for having purple washer nozzles. Serves him right, they are on a bright red lifted 97 f150 x cab, 8ft bed. (Dork)


It'd be illegal here in Illinois, and most state's law is similar in most ways.

The Illinois Vehicle Code specifically spells out what is allowed for taillights, brakelights, headlights, turn signals, and auxillary lights. The IVC has a catch-all section that states that anything not expressly authorized by the code is illegal, so that would getcha.

It's a distraction on the road that's not needed, enough distractions and accidents already :roll: [addsig]


Snitty is right on the money. It depends on the local ordinances where you live. Lights around your role bar isnt something as obviously illegal as some other crimes are. So while its probably illegal to do that in some places its probably legal in other areas. It all depends on what laws were passed about the little things like this. However if you were to get pulled over and get a ticket for this, you could not say you didnt know, thats never an excuse. Its up to you to know the law. So your best bet would be too first go and stop by your town hall and ask around there. I would even try calling something like the DMV for your area. Your last resort would be to ask a police officer....they may not know the all the little laws like one for this. They may end up telling you its illegal when its really legal, or vice versa. The last thing you want to do is inform him of a law youre breaking if he didnt know it was illegal in the first place. And any cop that pulls over a santa is a heartless bastard anyways.[addsig]

Ya know...I can appreciate the theory that the lights might be a distraction...yet at the same time that is sort of saying that the typewriter is responsible for typos...or however that previous comparison went. I think we all know how long we can divert our attention from the primary goal of driving without screwing the pooch. Distractions are only distractions for those who allow them to draw their attention away from the fundamentals that have been drilled into our heads since we started driving. ...but the laws are the laws...and ya gotta respect those things too...I guess...And ZBT...you're right...what kind of cop would pull over Santa...or a Jeep just because it had lights on it? Either a shiny badge handing out a plethora of authority...or a scrooge.[addsig]


Illegal in sunny Florida - any blinking lights, that is, that aren't used for signlaing.

You could have been signaling the importance of the holidays.

Riding around in your rig in a Santa suit. That's pretty cool.

Cops here are nothing like Jersey State Troopers.

Yikes :-O
