[Question] Engine temperature


New member
Hi all, just a question because I am noob with my new (old) Jeep.

Is it normal that on a very warm day in city my temperature rises a little from central position on gauge?

I am driving in city, outside temperature is about 28-30C and I have A/C on.

Also it is much stop and go driving (traffic light).

Thank you :)

This sounds very normal for it to rise a little bit, especially with the AC on and stop and go traffic, i would check the coolant level just to be sure.
My engine runs at 210*f (99*c) all the time. With the a/c on it puts a little more strain on the engine so a little higher engine temperature would be normal. If it you don't like that then make sure your coolant is full and you could also go to a 180*f (82*c) thermostat and then it would run a little bit cooler.
Thank you all, I was a little bit worry, but again thank you, coolant is ok, well maybe I will change it before winter.