Question about synchros going bad


New member
Just wondering if anyone has heard anything about the synchros going bad from resting your hand on the shifter while driving? I had a 96 F-150 and the synchros kept going bad. The mechanics at two different Ford dealerships said it is a common problem with people who drive while holding or resting their hand on the gear shifter while driving. It will hold the shifter in a position which will over time wear out the synchros. He said not many people know about this but it is a major cause of bad synchros. After hearing about this and driving without my hand resting on the shifter, I never had a problem again. Anyone ever hear of this or mabye it's just a Ford thing?

I can see where resting your hand on there could cause SOME sort of wear through time.... and it also depends on the design of the transmission... but it seems as though, when the collars are lined up in any gear, you are already past the synchros, and it should not affect them... but... if you rest on them in such a way where you are pulling it out of gear slightly, i can see how it may happen.... i rest my hand on the shifter all the time... but it is usually in 2nd or 4th, in a comfortable positioin, and i would be pulling it toward the gear that it is already in, which seems as though it would further secure it in gear... but, in 1st, 3rd, and 5th, i can see how a natural hand rest MAY pull it slightly back toward the synchros.. and MAY cause accelerated wear...

i'm not totally sure on it all... but that's just my thoughts from what I've seen