PT job advice

play poker.

valet cars? i did it for three years while i was in school, unfortunately you give up good nights to go out, but the way i looked at it, i was making money, and not spending it at the same time, so it worked doubly. i dunno though, does this fall under your restaurant umbrella? its not waiting tables, but if you have enough busy restaurants where you are, its a good easy way to make some cash. its mindless, park the car, pick up the car, make some cash. i'm in boston though, so there are restaurants galore, and parking is at a minimum, does that work where you are?

Hmmm...another good idea. But you're right, I'd have to sacrifice a night out. And I'm having trouble making time for all of the ladies (and the courvoisier) as it is.
I used to deliver pizzas when I was in highschool. Didn't pay much per hour but the tips where good especially when there was a hockey or football game on. I always tried to work holiday nights like New Years and really racked in the cash...sometimes up to $600 in one night. You need to find a place where you don't have to split the tips with other drivers and is in a middle to upper class neighborhood.

I was a janitorial supervisor when I was in school.

Time to do my job and get some studying done. Even applied it to my BA minor.

I liked the company and so did they like me so now I am a janitorial administrator. Twenty two years later...
Thanks for the ideas everyone! I've got some thinking and searching to do. If anyone thinks of any other possiblities, then fire away!

Mudwoman's suggestion makes the most sense right now, but I wouldn't be able to challenge the boards till Dec.

I might just sling some coffee at a coffee shop. (I'd make more $ based on the free coffee that I am so damn addicted to)
I had a friend who worked as a male stripper....he made enough money in tips in one night to pay his rent for the have to be careful though. According to him, the ladies sometimes get a little out of hand and like to pull, grab and yank at your body parts.

I had a friend who worked as a male stripper....he made enough money in tips in one night to pay his rent for the have to be careful though. According to him, the ladies sometimes get a little out of hand and like to pull, grab and yank at your body parts.
Nope, I'll never go back to that industry again...