psyching my self upto start


Well-known member
i am starting my psych build up to swap the 4.0 head onto my jeep. since the water pump started dribbling i figures i might as well put that 99 head i have in the shed on the jeep.

i have done some reading but i figure its probably easier for me to do it then the normal head swap since my block is a 99 block and the head is from a 99 4.0 also. no need to plug any holes or worry about junk like that :D

anyways, i am a fan of waiting to the last minute to really get started but with it being almost december i figure i better not put it off for too long or january will be here and it'll be cold and then i won;t want to do it till spring break when its warm again.

its 80 right now in good old sunny south texas.

any tips from seasoned 4.0 guys? i have done engine work on a number of vehicles so i am not expecting any trouble. i am actually thinking of making a photo log of the whole deal and posting it up like i used to do for all my bmw work from back in the day.

Take a look at the your "other" 4.0 head. 96-99 have two alignment holes (dowels). Make sure your block has these as well.
There are only 4 different type of 4.0 heads out there and you cant swap them around. Take a quick read through Roy Berndt's article.
i will have to open the pics when i get home, work computers.

mine had coil packs though so i should have hte last version wit hthe smallest exhaust ports.
superj said:
i will have to open the pics when i get home, work computers.

mine had coil packs though so i should have hte last version wit hthe smallest exhaust ports.

Coil packs on the 4.0 didn't show up until 2000(?) on the wranglers not sure the the xjs. My 01 has the coil rail, another great idea from some idiot in Detroit.

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