

New member
Re: The How-to FAQ

Hello Terry,

My name is Tibor. I don't know how this work yet, but I have a urgent problem so I hope you can/want to help me. I have a jeep grand cherokee 5.2L V-8 engine, but since yesterday it won't start anymore. The display says check gauges and check battery. But I've tried it with a emergency battery, but still it won't start! Do you have any idea what can be the problem here? Sorry for my spellings mistake, I'm from Holland and my English is not very well.

Have a nice day and thank you for the trouble already,


Tibor Hillebrand.

Welcome to Jeepz. My first guess would be loose or corroded battery terminals.

Does the engine crank and not fire, or not crank at all? What year is this Grand?