Pressure gauge problem


New member
So I have installed a fuel pressure reg with a gauge. My prob is that the gauge I'd not reading at all. I attached a picture of what I'm looking at, let me know if you know what might be wrong.


Does it run? That reg is backed out quite a bit. Why you running a reg. is it electric fuel pump?
Jester32 said:
Does it run? That reg is backed out quite a bit. Why you running a reg. is it electric fuel pump?

Yah it runs. What do you mean by backed out? Too close to the carb? And yes I have an electric fuel pump and the pressure that it delivers is too high. That's why I need a reg.
Ok cool. I meant the adjusting screw. All my holley regs have only about 4 threads showing at 7psi. I never had any luck with in line pressure gauges unless they are autometer

Not saying its wrong. Just not used to seeing that. Have you hooked up a service gauge to verify?
Jester32 said:
Not saying its wrong. Just not used to seeing that. Have you hooked up a service gauge to verify?

No I have not.... What's a service gauge? And would it help of I put the reg before the filter and return?
I would keep it after the filter. It doesn't take much to plug them up. A service gauge is just a pressure gauge on a hose. Made by Mac. Or snap on. Just what we use to verify all our race engines fuel pressures. there are other brands to. Some places rent them to. I would try that or another gauge. Make sure the thread sealant didn't plug the port off either.

Jester32 said:
I would keep it after the filter. It doesn't take much to plug them up. A service gauge is just a pressure gauge on a hose. Made by Mac. Or snap on. Just what we use to verify all our race engines fuel pressures. there are other brands to. Some places rent them to. I would try that or another gauge. Make sure the thread sealant didn't plug the port off either.

Dang the thread sealant may be blocking the gauge.... I didn't even think of that. I'll check it tomorrow.
So I found a little screw thing in the gauge hole took it out and it changed nothing.


Then I squeezed the return line and problem solved!! So I'm gonna move the reg behind the filter with the return.