power outtage


New member
i wonder if there will be a surge in babies 9 months later, like happend in the big '77 power outtage....
anyone affected...

NOPE I am good hope they get in on before night ...Ya'll be carefull and clean your guns and get them ready....

We had a surge here, but it came back up right away...don't think it had anything to do with the big one.

Rob 8) :p :)
I have a friend who runs a subshop here in town.... I had him running of my power inverters in my jeep for a few hours....

then.. here's something strange... a friend stopped by and was wondering why her cell phone charger would not work in her car... so i went to take a look to see if i could take care of it.... well... at the end of the street, there is a traffic light, which had obviously been out all day, and was still out at the time... Well... i found the bad fuse, pulled it, went to the jeep, got a new one... AS SOON AS i put that new fuse in.... the traffic light came back on.. so that was it the whole time... it was that damn fuse... So thanks to me, we've all got power once again
I gues I am right on the cusp of the outage, I obviously have power but I guess not too far away in western mass, they are in the dark!!


Power has been restored. Thanks for replacing that fuse, Snitty.

After a few hours without power and impending darkness, I fired up my CJ -- collectively christened as the "Bubbacon" by a smart-alecky wife and equally smart-alecky daughters -- and drove it to my boat to retrieve a large flashlight and kerosene lantern kept aboard.

Once out of the city and the heart-pounding excitement of busy intersections minus functional traffic lights, what a beautiful night for a ride!

Just when I pulled into my driveway on my return, our electrical power was restored.

An unnecessary trip, but an excellent adventure and great night ride in the Bubbacon.

There is always a silver lining...


no power sotrage here in Va, i just cant wait and see what they say caused the whole thing, i always get a kick out of em

Here in arizona here having really bad monsoons so the powers been going off and on, nuthing to do with the big outage but were still having them. I was driving and the wind was about 60 miles an hour, hard to drive anywhere in my little suzuki sidekick . . the wind slide it out into the street from my driveway . . its crazy out there.
i still have backup... the phonelines still worked... and i have the laptop and the ol' dialup account.... plus i have my power inverter and enough extension cords to reach out front

Snitty, LMAO rig it because you can't live without your Jeepz.com .....:p :D :p

Squirrels??? No way!

You are all missing the obvious! Do we never learn???

I had to refresh my memory, so I reviewed a lot of web info regarding the NE Blackout of 1965.

Yes, folks. It was just as I remembered -- UFOs.

The UFOs did it.

If you review the news media reports of the 1965 NE Blackout, you will be struck by the similarity of the news reports you are seeing, hearing and reading today.

There was a great deal of press reporting and speculation of the relationship of the hundreds of spontaneous UFO sightings right at the time of the 1965 blackout. There was even testimony to the inevitable post-blackout Congressional Investigative Committees regarding the UFO connection.

Case closed: UFOs did it.

It was not terrorist squirrels.

Two-to-one money says we will hear about UFOs before this is over.

As Yogi said: "It is deja vu all over again."
