Post count


Super Moderator
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Is the post count really needed? Does it really mean anything? I mean anybody can run up their post count by posting nothin but garbage?

Is it a sign of experience?
Is it a sign of mechanical knowledge?

Let's get some opinions :p

Will 32's Fit?

no, they mean nothing... but does it really matter.... i could care less either way..... but i just padded my count w/ this useless post :mrgreen:
In my opinion it only means the number of times they have posted......kinda sarcastic but I think that I am in agreement with Bounty Hunter
I see your point...I use the post counts mainly from a moderators stand point...I can see who's active,who's not been on for awhile, and who's new. As for your question about loading posts...yes, anyone can load a post count...just sing The Star Spangled Banner one word for one post at a time. :lol:

Rob 8) :p :)

It wouldn't bother me if they disappeared. Although I do notice some people's post counts carried over, while others got reset to zero. :wink: :roll: :lol:

-Nick :!:
Mine was reset, just carried over today, so I think it's when Terry or whomever can get to it.

What happened to the star count and the cool moniker that went along with it? I can't even tell your a mod, PASmokeater :D
The post counts did not carry over, and Terry has to hand input all of the counts. He's working on it, and will have all as was shortly.
As far as the mod thing, no big deal, but someone told me the on the bottom of the forum page the mods are highlighted in a different color ?

Rob 8) :p :)

mine was reset, so its not even accurate, other peoples seem to have carried over.. weird
Yes, the moderator's user names look like this at the very bottom of the main forum index page (where it lists who's online)

-Nick :!:
I think the post thing was just a fun side thing, though it can turn into a race for posts and bring on useless posts/replys...
What I did like was who is a "Newbie" or "Jeep Addict" etc... to see how long people have been participating. But the "Joined" date under the Avatar serves the same purpose I guess.

Post counts mean nothing to me. As for garbage post I feel this is one as much as any I have seen. Dont let a thread count bother you. For me it is the hash burning just plain mean post that grips my rear. The personal asults and name calling post that I hate. The Star rateing was just that as well a good idea that had no meaning. A Competition of sorts with no winner or looser. Kind of like the jeep wave poll that PASmokeater put on today. Who cares who waves first last or not at all. Sillyness abounds. I guess My point is I do not see the reason for the post counter either but it was the creators of this great site that added it and it was here when we signed on, and it was fine then. One silly artical in a thought altering rag like 4 wheeler or JP dont make any thing so. That is not choice reading for the educated minds, so I try and keep the sites set on how to convert from drum to disk breaks in them not do and don'ts in general life and living. Now don't get me wrong I love jeepers and gear heads but they are not always the deepest thinkers around. Not that they can't be but if all they have to worry about is an artical saying the obvious that some articals are BS then I rest my case. If mine was reset to zero as it was yesterday oh well I would still add my garbage as you put it any way and so would everyone else. If we were to only answer and ask questions of the most serious natured jeep items this would fast become a dead board. It is the friendship and ability to meet greet and talk with others that share the same life style and sport that makes this a great place. Plus you get great tech ideas to share. Save a bunch of money by not haveing to run to the garage every time you break something.
This not being the first time you have had this reaction to invalid post or to many post or garabage post showes this is truly a bee in you bonnet. Lighten up and enjoy the ride it is an online board about Jeeps not a world shaping matter. Have fun with it and relax. Do not sweat the little stuff.

Don't take this out of context! It is not a statement to push any buttons it is mearly a statement of how I see things and that may not be what some want to hear. That is just the way it goes sometimes. I have the greatest respect for all that have posted here befor me. Tug
As for garbage post I feel this is one as much as any I have seen.
Thanks, Tug, I was just trying to throw this out for comment as I too think it's menial.
One silly artical in a thought altering rag like 4 wheeler or JP dont make any thing so, That is not choice reading for the educated minds.
I appreciate you referring to an article I paraphrased, and it is a choice rag of mine and consider myself quite educated, thank you.
This not being the first time you have had this reaction to invalid post or to many post or garabage post showes this is truly a bee in you bonnet. Lighten up and enjoy the ride it is an online board about Jeeps not a world shaping matter. Have fun with it and relax. Do not sweat the little stuff.
This post is in reaction to nothing but observations made of post counts and ranks on several boards. I think we know who needs to clear their bonnet :shock: :lol: I'm sweatin nothin here, but generating conversation and garnering input.

I can view this in one way, from two sides.... No, I don't think it has much, or any, value to the board... it simply shows how many times a person has written something, and hit the submit button... BUT... then... having it there, it hurts nothing at all... I appreciate the time that Terry puts into it to do what he can to keep this board's roots tied in with the old roots...

then, there IS some validity to knowing how often people post... The moderators may want to know who is active in a board... if there is a member who joined a year and a half ago, posted once, and has never posted again... there is a chance that he/she is no longer with us... I'm not sure how the board works, but it may, or may not, affect the amount of work that our big shots have to do in order to keep this all running... I don't think that Terry would want to have to carry over hundreds of names of people that signed up a year ago, posted once, then never returned.

I also agree with some of the statements about the "star system"... it gives newbies an idea of who they can come to with questions, or it gives them an idea of how accurate someones reply to a question may be... I DON'T think that a "ranking system" should have to do with a post count, but if there were to be a ranking system, it should be based on board activity, not senseless activity, but based on how much the person sees, and the validity of their posts..

But then... if a newbie comes along, and wants to know where to get answers, if he/she sticks around and watches the board for 2 days... he/she will easily understand that everyone here is willing to give every bit of helpful advice that they possibly can.. Some know more than others, but then... I know more than many people... but then... I can guarantee that every person that doesn't know AS MUCH as me, knows many things that I DON'T know

So... if the post count stays, it doesn't bother me... if it falls off the earth, oh well... If we get a ranking system, maybe it will benefit someone, maybe not... but again, if there is no "ranking system"... i'm not bothered

I think that anyone around here, whether for 2 years, or 2 days, will be able to tell where the members stand... which to me, is all at the same place... we all come here to learn, we all come here to share... all willing to ask, all willing to help
Well put, Snitty. I agree. Bottom line is somebody should put there time in and get to know the reputation/knowledge/experience level of those they go to for answers.

I didn't post this thread to give an opinion on whether these things should go or stay, just wanted to get constructive critisicm and make sure everybody takes these things for what they truly are.

Thanks for all the input :D

5th Amendment... 5th Amendment... I have rights.. haha
I appreciate you referring to an article I paraphrased, and it is a choice rag of mine and consider myself quite educated, thank you.

Taken out of contex. Respect to you and you thought here. I to feel you to be one of the leading people here and have no doughts of your education.

I to read and enjoy the 4Wheeler and JP rags and they are among my favorites as well this is the rest of the statement reguarding what I was saying.
I try and keep the sites set on how to convert from drum to disk breaks in them not do and don'ts in general life and living.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. tug
Did someone, maybe a couple of someone's wheaties get pissed in today? You guys are raring to go it seems! Out for happy hour, enjoy posting. (here is my worthless post of the day to add to the fray) lmao :twisted: Jeepz rocks no matter what!