Possible strick coming for Chrysler Canada


Staff member
It looks like the Canadian Auto Workers union is preparing for a strike against Chrysler, Ford and General Motors if an agreement isn't reached by 11:59 PM on September 17. This was posted on their website:

Countdown to the Deadline

With only a week until the collective agreement expires, the demands facing the CAW have not relented, with all three companies calling for dramatic changes to the contract. The union recognizes the fragility of the industry and the need to stabilize fixed costs, while finding a solution that rewards members’ work. Unfortunately, our efforts have not been met with equal willingness by the companies to negotiate fair terms.

The CAW Master Bargaining Committees at General Motors, Chrysler and Ford have come up against a number of unprecedented demands by the corporations, including the following:

  • eliminating the 30-and-out pension;
  • creating a two-tier workforce, mirroring the UAW agreement;
  • moving to a Defined Contribution pension plan even for current workers;
  • permanently eliminating the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA);
  • further reducing benefits, including access to prescriptions.

The corporations are also refusing to commit to any new investments, which puts members’ jobs in jeopardy. Each company has also insisted that any reward or bonus will be paid for by additional cuts to other areas of the agreement.

All three bargaining committees are determined to reject these demands and reach a fair deal with General Motors, Chrysler and Ford. The corporations reap the benefits of cuts made during the crisis negotiations of 2009, with government help and are now on the road to recovery. The CAW has no intention of making these kinds of deep cuts again.

A week from the deadline, anxiety levels are understandably high and rising. The bargaining committees will do their best to keep members up to date on the status of negotiations. As September 17 approaches, it is increasingly important that members at all facilities, in all local unions support their bargaining committees. To reach a deal, it’s
crucial that members continue having faith in their elected representatives and support their bargaining committees. As the landscape continues to shift, the bargaining committees will also strategically shift approaches with the goal of best protecting members’ interests.

Thank you for your ongoing support and determination.
In solidarity,

The CAW General Motors, Chrysler and Ford Master Bargaining Committees