Under the auspices of the Colorado Jeep Club, We met at the King Soopers parking lot at 30th & Arapahoe in Boulder, Colorado. There were 9 rigs.
We headed out of town and into the foothills just North of Boulder.
We drove to Camp D I C K (no way to get this actual name past the censors). We aired down and did the disco thing in the campground.
I always take my dog, Molly, on these trails. When I don't refer to the Mighty YJ as such, I refer to it as Molly's Doghouse on wheels. Saturday was no exception.
Now there is a big stream at the campground and within a few throws of the frisbee, I had landed it in that stream. Ever demure, Molly decided to stand at the side and whine at the frisbee (novelty flying disk) that was wafting along in the river with the current. No matter how hard I pushed that girl, she would make no attempt to retrieve it. I found a long branch and maneuvered it over the stream toward the disk. I change my footing and discovered that even though it appeared to be strong ice, it was not and my left foot entered the cold, cold water. I guess that Molly is smarter than she appears. Of course, while trying to pull the left foot back out of the river, my right foot slipped in. I wasn't worried as my boots were in the back of the YJ. Of course, by the time we had retrieved the frisbee and Molly was satisifed with it having been returned to her, I had discovered that the boots were not in the YJ. I spent the rest of the day with wet feet.
From about the middle of the campground, the Bunce School trail heads up the side of the mountain and into the back-country. We drove straight to T33a to explore the plane crash site. It was a jet trainer with 2 people on board that left Buckley Field and was heading to California (1965). Over the area we were in, the pilot thought he would show the other the land he bought. He notified the tower and abruptly dissappeared from all instruments.
We stopped and had lunch at the crash trailhead and then explored.
Afterward, we drove North along the Bunce School trail and then back to the highway. It was fun for everyone and we all plan to get together again soon.
Now, pictures -
And, of course, the Mighty YJ -