Place to host pics


New member

Is there a place I can upload my pics to that isn't as goofy as Freeservers? I'm working on a site right now, but as you can sometimes see, when Freeservers wants to suck, they pretty much do. I just want to upload a few pics from my home computer. Is there an html code for that?[addsig]


All you need is a site to host your pictures. Try Sony's Imagestation. Alot of free sites won't let you link images, but Imagestation will work. The only HTML code you need to use is the < IMG SRC = "" > Tag, but without the spaces before/after the <>


edited by: XJNick, Jul 19, 2003 - 04:40 PM[addsig]

I too am looking for a web-site to host pictures. Having noticed that so many "" members use Sony Imagestation as their pic host, I browsed to the Sony web site and read through the Imagestation Member Agreement.

I am troubled by several particulars of the member agreement. Especially paragraph number-6: " License Grant and Intellectual Property Rights."

"In consideration for the Service, and the potential benefits related thereto, you grant Imagestation, its successors, licensees and assigns, a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty free license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, publish, publicly perform, and publicly display your Member Content, by all means now known, or later created, including but not limited to display on the Internet, and in all forms of media, now known or later created."

My non-lawerly interpretation of the quoted paragraph is that an Imagestation member gives all rights to anything posted on the Sony Imagestation web site to Sony: our pics become Sony's pics, to use as Sony sees fit, even to sell, now and into perpetuity.

Why would a multi-katrillion dollar corporation make a member agree to that?

There is more -- lots more -- that I find troubling, but for the sake of brevity I won't quote more of the member agreement here.

Dunno...perhaps I am being overly cynical (an occupational hazard -- or at least it was when I had an occupation), but "scam-alert" klaxons sound in my head when I read the Sony Imagestation member agreement.

Since this is the "General" section, any thoughts as regards the Sony Imagestation member agreement?


Hmmmm very interesting, but I think you need to relax a little. I'm not sure what your occupation is/was, but judging by your posts, it was something very technical. I would assume that if you use a free site to host pics,any free site, they would make you agree to the same thing. I, for one, could care less what they do with my pics. I use imagestation, and have had no problems with them, and am not one to dwell on all of the what ifs that come up in life. I also don't have little alarms that go off in my head if I see something that might not be as I think it should.

I'm not attacking you, I like having you around. The way your precision mind works will keep alot of us in check when we have some of those "really way out there" ideas. I just think on a couple of things, you could use a few days off siting poolside with a coconut glass in your hand.

Rob :p :cool: :)

edited by: PASmokeater, Jul 20, 2003 - 01:39 AM[addsig]