Pic's From the Tennessee Trails


Hey Tug I don't think your pic's made it. Try again :-( [addsig]

You are so right about the pics I was so tired from doing so much I had to sleep. Today we have had a ball and now we are here at my house getting ready to eat some supper. Been up on Holley Gap at my Brothernlawes shooting skeet and hand guns. Do not worry mom and dad this was a very controled event and both momma tug and myself are concealed carry premit holders. Safty first but you know what these kids can sure shoot! Chris is a marksman with the shot gun. Kristen is a charlies Angle with the 38 hehehehe tug.

Any how here are the pics!









Hey...It's PASmokeater :)
The Trails are GREAT !!!!!!!!! We (Toshi and I) are having a blast...talk about your southern hospitality...Tug and Momma Tug have become second parents to us, and have helped us get past the culture shock. You can eat a full meal here for about the cost of an appitizer at home. They have opened up thier house, as well as thier hearts to us and have made us feel as though we are all part of the family. I cannot express thanks enough to all he and his family have done..."Hey Jake...how are your ovaries today ?"
We've been very busy, and have a full day planned tomorrow...all trails from sun up till after supper, so I'm going to go and let Wranglerwhat94 post a few words......oh, by the way...check out the pics....I have found a new way to camoflage my pinstripes.

Rob, :p :cool: :)

Hey yall......i cant really say much... Rob said most all of it. I can just reemphasize how great tug and his family have been to all of us!!! Being a stock jeeper around these parts we really gotta pick our lines and stay out of the ruts...so far so good!! Tommorrow we plan on hitting some more technical trails such as....Spivey Mountian...Dicks Creek...Martins Creek...and Rich Hollow witch should be great!! And if anyone has seen Robs tires and wonder how they get any grip..we always give him a hard time about it and we have come up with a few hypothuses. One...he pushes one of the many buttons in that fancy TJ and spider man hairs come out and grab the rocks. Two....he spins them so fast since they dont grab a thing....and the get hot and the rubber melts and sticks to the trail. We are still workin on some more..ill get back to you on those. But its gettin late and we have a long exciting day tommorrow so i better hit the sleepin bag.


PS: Robs geolanders grab anything you put under them.....they perform like street tires on cement and like huge aggressive swammpers on the trail...and he made a superb decision when he got those!! But those pin stipes are kinda girlie!! :-D :) ;-) 8) :lol: ....So we got him some custom Tennessee stick scrathed pin stripes at no charge!!lol

edited by: Tug-n-pull, Jun 26, 2003 - 08:24 PM[addsig]

Ok now I am broke from paying these folks to say nice things about me and mine. I have never had such great trail guest. We have had so much fun and now it is drawing near an end. this makes me sad I will be so lost when they all leave. Will post more tomorow. tug[addsig]


Just a quick post to let everyone know that the last day of Trail week was FANTASTIC.......Chris went through his first DEEP mud bog (it was to the top of my 33's) and had a couple of really technical river crossings. It was a very good day for him.
Tug (as usual) had no problems and was his old joveal self (he likes the woods). Jezebell ran great, and the new set of meats and the lift make her a mountain machine. I love the 4 bangers in the woods. The gearing is perfect.

We went with Tug's oldest son, Will, and surprise of all surprises, I did not have to pull him out of anything today.

Green Reaper's parts still have not arrived, but he is enjoying the trails. He has taken some GREAT video footage and we will post some m-pegs as soon as we can.

Tug, Momma Tug, and the whole Tug family have been great. We cannot express how thankfull we are for them inviting us down here, and taking such good care of us....we need a whole lot more people like them in this big ol' world. They truly show the true meaning of the words "Southern Hospitality". My own fesh and blood couldn't show more love.
It is honestly refreshing to know that there are still peple like you and yours in this world...no joke...Tosh and I are moving down to your neck of the woods ASAP.

We had a great time this week, and finished the event off with the best ending possible. Trails all day, and some of the most beautiful scenery yet. Tug will post pics (we took a ton) as soon as he can.

Tomorrow will be a clean up day (my TJ is trashed, and I loved every minute of it), and we will clean up the camp site. We pack up and leave sometime before noon, and it will besad times for all. Tug dosen't want us to leave, and we don't want to. It is great being here, and at least now we can put faces to the names. We have alot of memories from this week, and alot more to make. Tug, I promise, Tosh and I will get together with you in the fall, and Chris and Adam will be there as well.

I believe the week was huge success and look forward to the future.........

Thanks to Terry, as without him this week would have never happened. I'm happy to see Jeepz growing, and hope we continue to be strong.

With any luck, I'll be home by midnight Sunday, and will catch up on posts then.

Rob :p :cool: :)

edited by: PASmokeater, Jun 30, 2003 - 02:50 AM[addsig]

I really wish I could have made it up there. Looks like y'all had a blast. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( [addsig]

Glad to know you didn't miss us... :lol: :lol: :lol:

We missed ya'll, and have wished/prayed
for your success and safety.[addsig]


There are a ton of folks that would say it was a week of crazyness to take your hard earned autos off into the wilds and get them so dirty. We put the Jeeps trhought their paces and came out betteroff road drivers for the efforts.

We played laughted and just had a ball. The weather was great the food was great the fellowship around the evening table was second to none. Now do not think we were into the steepest hills and the deepest mud, The rocks were small beside many of your play grounds. However I will match the views one fer one with any of you. We were able to did a cup into the mountain springs and branches and drink our fill, much better than even the best bought bottled water.

I have six new friends that mean the world to me. I will be so lost when they leave me. I will be going to see them in the future and I hope they will be coming back to see me as well.

Thanks for all of the prayers and well wishes for this week to each and everyone of you all. Jeepz is more tome now than ever before and I hope to get to meet and ride the trails with many more of you all. Thanks for putting up with me arond here Tug[addsig]