PC crap again

As for the Puritan reference, they didn't celebrate Christmas. That would explain their opposition to the trees ;)

Christmas trees go well before their time.
There's a huge difference between putting a religiously symbolic tree in town square and mandating religion.

Not to a liberal....

Besides you just hush up and go build a prayer room in the airport where the Christmas tree used to be for the poor muslims to pray to allah.

you just hush up and go build a prayer room in the airport where the Christmas tree used to be for the poor muslims to pray to allah.

Yeah I'll get right on that :roll:

How is it that a Christmas tree offends people but when those who are from the same religion as the ones who hijacked American planes and killed thousands of people want pray (in a loud and animated fashion I might add) before getting on (of all things) a FLIGHT, no one seems to mind. They even go as far as granting special priveledge by constructing a special place for them to do so.

Talk about the power of PC :-)
Wednesday (Woden) <---NORSE ORIGIN!!!
Woden is the god-Oden!! HAHAHAHAHA!
I win...now we all can shoosh about this Politically Correct bull, this is a JEEP fourm, so lets do what we all do best and talk about jeeps.
Cause politics is something that can't be won, and so is religion. Everyone has an opinion. SO SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!
^>^Much love!
Wednesday (Woden) <---NORSE ORIGIN!!!
Woden is the god-Oden!! HAHAHAHAHA!
I win...now we all can shoosh about this Politically Correct bull, this is a JEEP fourm, so lets do what we all do best and talk about jeeps.
Cause politics is something that can't be won, and so is religion. Everyone has an opinion. SO SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!
^>^Much love!

Yeah, lets close the general chat forum.

Not the forum just, this one topic...Wait nvm. its to much fun just debating, sorry guys didn't mean to rant.
What is "PC"?!?!?!?!

Have you been living in a bubble? It is when the traditions, actions, or rights of the many are hindered by the possibility of offending someone... you know...

Political correctness.

As for your tree comment, it's not just a tree to a country where it has been a tradition since before we were even an independant nation. I refuse to accept this PC type nonsense and to "suck it up" just ain't an option. We don't live in a socialist or communist state.

(See "Austrailia" thread)

I don't think it was necessary for you to poke fun at his search for knowledge.

Here's a less biased version of the definition of PC:
PC / Political Correctness: a term used to describe language, or behavior, which is claimed to be calculated to provide a minimum of offense, particularly to the racial, cultural, or other identity groups being described. The concept is not exclusive to the English language. A text that conforms to the ideals of political correctness is said to be politically correct.
Whether or not it's a hindrance is a matter of opinion. And whether or not it is a hindrance tends to parallel whether or not it's offensive to that particular person.
For example, it's not politically correct for Chris Rock to say that "most white people" are racist. He would contend that he's not going to allow his act to be hindered by being "PC".
I never said religion is, or should be a part of government. What I was demonstrating is how the government recognizes religion as part of our culture. It's the same with putting a Christmas tree on federal or state property...

It's not hammering a religion or mandating a belief, it is merely a reflection of culture in society.

Although many of our forefathers strongly believed Christianity to be the backbone of our society and the main hope of continuing success and longevity, they also knew the value of keeping the government and the church seperate from one another. I agree with that, but probably not for the same reasons as you.

There's a huge difference between putting a religiously symbolic tree in town square and mandating religion.

What in the blazes is it about Christmas that freaks all the liberals out anyway?!?!?!??!
The constant blaming of all the worlds problems on all "Liberals" is getting ridiculous. It's so textbook to drop that word anytime a subject needs a scapegoat. Right out of "How to be a Neo-con 101."

I don't know of a single liberal that would approve of such a thing. (banning of Xmas trees in airports) So please don't lump us all in the same category- as is the typical M.O. of many conservatives. It's intellectually dishonest to do so. Clearly the agenda there is to decieve those who read it into believing that all people who fall under the umbrella of the term "Liberal" are bad people who want to cleanse the world of Christianity. Just like it's untrue that all Conservatives secretly want to "Mandate faith." (although when I read threads like this, sometimes I wonder)

"All Liberals" don't want or believe the same thing.

If the goal truely was obtaining a "Reflection on society" as you put it, then our airports would have to be decked in symbols and idolotry from the many other religions present and practiced in the US. Representing one single belief isn't diversity.
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Mingez... from what I have seen in your writings, you do not fit my description of a liberal anyhow.

Definately leaning left, but modern day liberals don't like guns and don't support the constitution as you do.

When I complain of a liberal, it is not Mingez's face I see. It's Nany Pelosi and the rest of the extreme left.

THese are the liberals I refer to and why I use the term liberal and not democrat.
From the Wichita Eagle/AP newswire:

Trees being returned to SeaTac airport
Associated Press

SEATAC, Wash. - Christmas trees are going back up at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

Pat Davis, president of the Port of Seattle commission, which directs airport operations, said late Monday that maintenance staff would restore the 14 plastic holiday trees, festooned with red ribbons and bows, that were removed over the weekend because of a rabbi's complaint that holiday decor did not include a menorah.

Airport managers believed that if they allowed the addition of an 8-foot-tall menorah to the display, as Seattle Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky had requested, they would also have to display symbols of other religions and cultures, which was not something airport workers had time for during the busiest travel season of the year, Airport Director Mark Reis said earlier Monday.

Port officials received word Monday afternoon that Bogomilsky's organization would not file a lawsuit at this time over the placement of a menorah, Davis said in a statement.

"Given that, the holiday trees will be replaced as quickly as possible," he said.

Davis added that the rabbi "never asked us to remove the trees; it was the port's decision based on what we knew at the time."

There were no immediate plans to display a menorah, airport spokesman Bob Parker said, saying restoration of the trees was expected to take place overnight Monday.

"A key element in moving forward will be to work with the rabbi and other members of the community to develop a plan for next year's holiday decorations at the airport," the port statement said.

The rabbi has also offered to give the port an electric menorah to display, said his lawyer, Harvey Grad.

"We are not going to be the instrument by which the port holds Christmas hostage," Grad said, emphasizing the rabbi never sought removal of the trees, but addition of the menorah.

The rabbi had received "all kinds of calls and emails," many of them "odious," Grad said, adding he was "trying to figure out how this is consistent with the spirit of Christmas."

Thirteen trees had sat above foyers that lead outside to the airport drive. The largest tree, which Reis estimated to be 15 or 20 feet tall, was placed in a large lobby near baggage claim for international arrivals.

After the removal, some airline workers decorated ticketing counters with their own miniature Christmas trees.

Some people need to lighten up, and many others need to grow spines. I'm so sick of people trying to strip our culture of any type of religion because it is not universal.

The same lot of whackos that scream for multi-culturalism are trying to eliminate it.

So much for diversity, eh?

Nobody asked for the trees to be removed, nor did they ask to "strip our culture of any type of religion". They merely stated that it wasn't inclusive of other religions' beliefs.
Mingez... from what I have seen in your writings, you do not fit my description of a liberal anyhow.

Definately leaning left, but modern day liberals don't like guns and don't support the constitution as you do.

When I complain of a liberal, it is not Mingez's face I see. It's Nany Pelosi and the rest of the extreme left.

THese are the liberals I refer to and why I use the term liberal and not democrat.
Fair enough, and thanks for that.

It's just that the demonizing of the word "Liberal" is/was such a calculated move by the right (since the Clinton Admin.), and it's getting old. I'm proud to say I have those ideals, and I believe them to be in line with my moral code. The way many righties use the word liberal, encourages the painting of a broad stroke of a very diverse group.

I am in academia, and surrounded by leftists for the most part, but I'd be willing to bet less than 1% would agree with what happened in that airport.

Sparky's added research into the story shows that there was much more to the story than the original article would imply. Wait a minute, I thought the media was "Liberal-biased". Wouldn't a "liberal-biased" media keep such a story under raps? Hmmm

My original post in this thread is dead-on. I may have been generalizing some, but I still feel that way.

Bottom line is the Rabbi wanted an 8-foot-tall menorah displayed because he wanted the Jewish holiday represented as well as the Christmas decor and threatened a lawsuit when denied. The article you posted declined to tell that along with it were other demands like a lighting ceremony.

That's fine, it doesn't hurt to ask, but a lawsuit? To me, that is ridiculous. If I go somewhere (like an area in North Baltimore) that is decorated with Jewish holiday themes I am not offended. I would never consider whining about a lack of Christian "representation. That are is predominantly Jewish. It makes SENSE!
(lighten up)

They originally gave the reason for removing the trees as they could not represent everyone so they just removed all of it. (Spineless)

No, they Rabbi didn't ask them to remove the trees. He threatened them by requesting a huge display and a ceremony during their busiest time of year. In other words he called them out and they folded up like a cheap umbrella. I'd be willing to bet he was originally satisfied with "then we will have none at all" policy until what appeared to happen happened:

I am sure that with the overwhelming outrage and national publicity of this whole fiasco the Airport had to find some strength in their spine and the Rabbi had to lighten up some.

Now the trees are back, and the whole thing was, to me, a victory for the everyday average citizen against political correctness.

Hopefully next year they will have a manorah too. That is, of course, until someone shows up with some Kwanza decorations and a lawyer :lol:
Mingez... I see a lot of varying positions in the democratic party, but the far left liberal politicians seem to be on the same page.

\It is the same with the republicans. They are varying positions on everything from the war on terror to abortion, but the far right, or neo-cons as you have often referred to them as (and rightly so - no pun intended) are very solid in their positions.

Do you really consider yourself a liberal or are you more of a libertarian ?

Not a loaded question, more of a rhetorical one and you are correct when you imply the term has a changed meaning.... but hey, I didn't do it, I just throw a log on the fire from time to time :)
The dems and the republicans are both just two rival crime families fighting for control of the country and our society.

Well they just put up the trees back up in the airport so the fuss is all over, well over with the media. CNN just showed it maybe 5 hours ago.