PB blaster and paint.

finished my lift

TwistedCopper said:
Take the nut off the stinkin' door hinges for Pete's sake! GEEZ :roll:


WD40 worked on my old '92 like a champ, and I am sure they had never been off before. You tried the WD40 and working the door back and forth a whole lot then using some sheer brute strength to lift them off? If you can;t quite get it done yourself, maybe your girlfriend could do it for you?


ROFL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: , the girlfriend thing!! :lol: :lol:

On another note, just so Mingez doesn't take all the razz.................
When I first got my Jeep, I was used to mudwoman's YJ - doors off, no problem - just go out and jerk 'em!! So.....I went outside and jerked and jerked and jerked.....dang near tore my carport apart, then............Oh, there's nuts on the bottom!! Because of my left-handedness, spun the nut and part of the bolt off the first one. :oops: :oops: ..............Live and learn!

Stupid is as stupid does..............keep on pluggin', Mingez!!
RE: Jeep won


When I had the same "impossible to remove full-steel doors" problem, I solved the problem with the use of a thin (one-inch wide) ratchet strap.

Parked the Bubbacon in the garage such that garage roof joist was directly above the Jeep door hinges. Threaded ratchet strap over the joist and under the upper hinge of Jeep door and connected the two ratchet strap end hooks in the middle.

Cranked up ratchet strap to moderate tension -- careful! -- we are merely trying to apply force in the vertical, not brute-force the door off the Jeep -- and fanned the door all the way open and closed. Eventually, with vertical pull supplied by the ratchet strap, hinge pins lubed and the right swear words, the door pins slowly worked upward and out of the tub-mounted hinges as the door was fanned.

Be aware that as the door works upward, the door pins can all of a sudden pop all the way out of the hinges (the nylon straps stretch) and the then unsupported door can fall to the floor. Steel full-doors weigh very approx 80 pounds and have a near knife-sharp bottom edge.

Could be bad JuJu for your tootsies and/or the door if that were to happen.

Worked for me, but if you try this method, please be careful!

Ratchet Gadget

PS: I had to use the ratchet strap the first time. I have since had the full doors on and off the Jeep several times. No problems with subsequent removals. Who knows?

TwistedCopper said:
If you can;t quite get it done yourself, maybe your girlfriend could do it for you?


Yeah, but it'll be way too expensive to fly you all the way down here from the East Coast.

I just don't think that's good money management...schnookems.


Or you could try a rubber mallet. Let it soak in WD40, PB Blaster, Silicone Spray, and anything else you can think of. Then, after letting it sit...give it a few light taps on the bottom (hitting upwards) to try and jolt it free. Have someone else pulling up on the door at the same time!