

Not that at all...just a lot of people come and talk crap, other people get pissed,and I like to set the record straight. I asked you a question, you answered it, and now whomever will have to back up what they say...I like to get to know a person before I make an opinion. Don't take offense, it's not personal, just needed to set some people straight it blows, but that's the way the world operates Rob

yeah, 411, i don't think it was as much as a test, he was just calling you out... people on the board have a sneaking suspicion that you're a 12 year old with too much time on his hands... think about it: you've just popped up at the board like 2 or 3 days ago and already you have like 55 posts. you also spelled his username wrong in your message subject... how bout we slow down here and spell check huh?[addsig]

If you say you are 10 feet tall and bulletproff you best be at least 9'6" and at least tough, and 411 you came here like a bull in a china shop. Greatest costom Jeep in the world and more money to go out a quick spend on it than bill gates. All that smoke and the rest of are wanting to see is something to back it up. I am a middle aged dad with a near stock 87 YJ with dreams of turning it into something nice. What are you? Not being mean you just set yourself up for a test or two to see if you are live or memorex! That is what is going on dude so make it real! Tug

No i'm not a 12 year old and no I dont talk crap. I spelled your name wrong because I was in a hurry. For no reason. Any ways I hate it when people talk behind my back. Im sorry if my posts disturb you,but I was just trying to get off to a good start on this website. Thank you for hearing me out. O ya all my posts are from responds to peoples questions. "mostly"bye bye. [addsig]

For the last time, I was hearing a lot of things, and just wanted to make my own opinion based on some questions that anybody with a Jeep like yours would know. Some of your posts struck me as a little off. It dosen't mean your wrong and I'm right. It just lets me know where your coming from. If your "real" then everythings cool. If your not, then get "real" and everthing will be cool. I got my answers, and I'll not share them on a public post. Everyone has the right to formulate thier own opinions. If your not a kid, don't take offense, just open your mind andtry to see where I'm coming from Rob

Thank you rob, you may be the only person with good intentions.411
O ya I'm from California. Near L.A. And if your wondering why I have money to spend on my jeep it is because I just sold all my stocks a few months ago and O ya I worked for my money.thank you [addsig]


I mean well just do not like talking to a goast! just be real like th man said and all is well. Tug[addsig]


411, did you build your jeep or have it built? Any pics?

Here's one of mine from todays run, I'm on the far left.


Hey Bounty_Hunter....nice crew. Wish I had a group like that to go wheelin with. 411 don't worry man. I bet these dudes think I am fake too. They probably wonder how I know all this stuff about on board air, and suspensions, and engines, and jeeps in general. I am just a 20 year old kid that yes has too much time on his hands. I bought my jeep in june and since then have soaked up all the "jeep" info that I could. I have read literally hundereds of jeep websites and forums and etc. The internet is great...before I got my jeep they all looked the same to me...oh its a jeep. I knew there was something called a CJ but couldn't have told you the difference between that and a YJ or a TJ. I love to work on cars and thats what most of my free time is spent...tinkering with my jeep or searching for useful mods to do to it. Since I bought it I have done a 4" suspension lift, on board air, installed a stereo and alarm, K&N mod, exaust mods, various engine tweaks, and other junk like that. I did all the work myself....every turn of the wrench, swing of the BFH, twist of the wire, ect. So man don't let anyone tell you that you are fake...and if your parents bought your jeep for you, thats ok. My father died when I was little and I gained a bit of inheritence and I used some of that to get my jeep and make it what it is (the rest went for college). So guys...take it easy on him...[addsig]

Its starting to look like when they all start to gang up on some poor highschool kid. Those guys can be pretty harsh, has anyone else noticed that?


Most everybodies Jeeping started with a dream, and over the years it gets to be a lifestyle. I know my wife would like to nuke mine, and the nieghbors get kinda irrate when they are shaking sand out of there beds from my sandblaster. But heck it´s better than alcohol or drugs and about as hard to kick once you get serious.

Hey Guys, my name is Danny, and well. I mean, You know, well dog gone it anyway I am a Jeepaholic. I know this is a mind over matter thing And I think I can learn to cope but I may need Your help!
Thanks for hearing me and oh never mind.

P.S. Where is the next J.A. meeting going to be held and can I get a ride?[addsig]