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New member
Allright, general chat forum, so here goes.........
I'm feelin' pretty shitey right now - put in for an Engineer I position with the NCDOT, am workin' there now, and it really, really seemed like a fit for me. Moved up here from Fla., workin' for a Contractor there makin' $70K/year but very miserable - long, long hours, lots of stress, no life. Met the Mrs. (online, believe it or not), reassessed my priorities (believe me, there's more to life than money), quit my job and moved up here to marry the love of my life (and she has a YJ!!!!!!!). So, I took a job here makin' $35K (and no regrets, by the way) but figuring that, with my experience and skills, I'll get a little better. Put in for this job, pays about $40K which would be fine, uses my skills and abilities, came back "highly qualified", already working in the department, get along fine with everybody, KNOW MY SHITE!! I find out today that they hired some guy from Ohio....can't start 'til Jan. '05!!!! Met him today (which was really awkward). Having trouble dealing with this....can't really hold it against this dude - he's just looking out for his - and I definitely can't fault him for wanting to live here.
So my question is..........should I use my 20 gauge or the double-barrel 12 guage to blow my boss's head away!!! (JK)
Things could be worse....I live in the mountains of North Carolina and not Iraq and I own a Jeep!! (even though it is a "sissy TJ").

Thanx for lettin' me vent.......


Friend Mud,

Sorry for the crappy day. I know what you are going thru. But tis a wise man indeed that discovers the fact that money isn't everything.

And you have a TJ...the most noble vehicle in the world. :wink:
Oh yeah, use a 12 gauge, "over and under" if you have it. Less spread and more devistation than a "side by side".

bchcky said:
mingez said:
And you have a TJ...the most noble vehicle in the world. :wink:
wow, you jumped ship quickly, no love for your xj anymore? :wink:

Hey man, just trying to make the dude feel better! I'll always love my XJ. That's the one I still wheel the most.

Besides, the XJ isn't the most noble, but the toughest. The TJ is the "King Arthur" of the Jeep world, while the XJ is the "Sir Lance-a-lot."
mingez said:
bchcky said:
mingez said:
And you have a TJ...the most noble vehicle in the world. :wink:
wow, you jumped ship quickly, no love for your xj anymore? :wink:

Hey man, just trying to make the dude feel better! I'll always love my XJ. That's the one I still wheel the most.

Besides, the XJ isn't the most noble, but the toughest. The TJ is the "King Arthur" of the Jeep world, while the XJ is the "Sir Lance-a-lot."
haha sorry, i guess i ripped the camelot page out of my haynes manual.

hey mud,
sorry to read it didn't work out the way you wanted it to, but maybe it happened that way for a reason unknown yet. here's to something better in your future :p
keep your head up and jeep on :!:

Some times things are just not going to go your way! Many times for a good reason and something will come along to make you glad it worked out the way it did! Good luck and hang in there. However if you feel it a must go the other route a long range scope, well placed, high volisity round from a bull barrel monted to a coustom stock from a few thousand feet away is the way to go! Up close with a scater gun is so messy and over used! hehehehe tug
Tell you what Mud...I'll give you my Surrey. :mrgreen: Just look out, chicks will flock to you.

Open up a 12 guage shell, drip hot wax all over the pellets, and close it again. Hit's them like a slug, then scatters inside like a shotgun, leaving a nice hole in the back side. Hard to trace, too.

Seriously, too bad about the job, but believe me.....the Man upstairs had a reason for you not getting the job. He's got something better in mind for you!

Many times those state DOT jobs have alot more to do with who you went to college with, or who you know that put in a word for you, than actual qualifications. Don't be thinking the guy "beat you out" fare and square when that may not have been the case.

The other guys are right, if you have a home, food, health, a good wife who supports you, and gas for your jeep, what else do you need? :wink:

Been there, done that... Applied to my City, after working seasonal for 2 summers, held in the highest regard with everyone I worked with, including all of my bosses... So I interview, then interview again, then find out that I didn't get in... The reason? One guy was ex-Army, and the director is big on that... One guy was hired as a favor because his dad hired one of the other bosses sons, and the other guy "looked more like a DPS worker"... This is what I got from my boss, and I know that he would level with me... The stick in the works there is the director himself... But you raised a good point, they are looking out for their own, as are we all in this crazy game... I figure if you're in the department already, just keep plugging along, and maybe you'll get something, maybe you won't... Either way, a job's a job, and these days, that's a lot... :)
Thanks, guys, y'all are the greatest. I think I'm done pouting now - your support has lifted my spirits. I was forgetting the old saying...."When God shuts a door, he opens a window" (or something like that). I know better than to question the "Grand Plan".
And thanks to my friends on Jeepz, I was actually able to laugh about it this morning. You guys generally keep me in stitches. AND, I got a lot of good hints in case I should want to go "postal"!! Remind me not to make any of you mad :mrgreen: !

But........perhaps a crossbow - silent and untraceable! Hmmmmmm..................................

Oh, BTW, Mingez, I'll have to pass on the surrey - I don't need any women problems on top of everything else :lol: !
one of my best friends... his father was and still is the head man of our city's street department... he won't hire his own son... but will get others in by the "who you know" method

2 questions on 2 problems

sorry to hear that man. but i will agree with mingez, wise man for realizing that money isn't everything. Most people don't. That's the reason why my parents aren't together anymore.
Sparky-Watts said:
Open up a 12 guage shell, drip hot wax all over the pellets, and close it again. Hit's them like a slug, then scatters inside like a shotgun, leaving a nice hole in the back side. Hard to trace, too.

TC makes a mental note -

Don't piss of Sparky :lol:
TwistedCopper said:
Sparky-Watts said:
Open up a 12 guage shell, drip hot wax all over the pellets, and close it again. Hit's them like a slug, then scatters inside like a shotgun, leaving a nice hole in the back side. Hard to trace, too.

TC makes a mental note -

Don't piss of Sparky :lol:

No doubt. There aren't any clock towers near where you live are there Sparky? :lol: :lol:

Note to self:

1) Don't hack of Sparky

2) Expect a vist from Dept of Homeland Security soon

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: