Paragonites -- What Have You Learned?

To the merry band of Paragonites,

Now that you have made the pilgrimage to the mountain -- and survived -- I (and hopefully others) am interested in what you have learned from the experience as regards modifying your Jeep.

I am hoping that an interesting thread can come out of your experience by a discussion along the lines of:

What existing mods worked for you?

What existing mods proved to be of no or limited value?

What future mods do you now contemplate?

What carry-along equipment was needed and what was not needed?

Anything you can think of about outfitting and modifying a Jeep for off-roading that I didn't mention.

I would guess from the aftermath-posts that some of you are now contemplating the purchase of your own personal pressure washer rather than toting a bank bag of quarters to the car wash.

Seriously, you now have the wisdom that can be gained only through experience.

Please share that wisdom.


What existing mods worked for you? I don't have any mods, excepct a CB, but that doesn't count really, but you defintally need something to keep in contact with your group.

What existing mods proved to be of no or limited value? Since I don't have any I really can't answer this question.

What future mods do you now contemplate? Disconnects, lift and tires for sure! On Board Air, thanks Bruce, and got Joe thinkin!

What carry-along equipment was needed and what was not needed? Tools were used often, I dont know what they used but they needed them....Mike had his high lift jack out a few times...I used everything I brought. This isn't really carry-along equipment, but, when you go, you MUST invite me!!!

Anything you can think of about outfitting and modifying a Jeep for off-roading that I didn't mention. Duriable skid plates...oil pan, and diff. skid plates would be important, then you don't have to worry about them as much...I guess.

I would guess from the aftermath-posts that some of you are now contemplating the purchase of your own personal pressure washer rather than toting a bank bag of quarters to the car wash. For sure...that would be a good investment.

Seriously, you now have the wisdom that can be gained only through experience. I don't know if you would call it wisdom, maybe just balls! I just took it as I'm 300+ miles away from home. I came here to play with my Jeep...I'm gonna do all that I can do. Honestly, I wouldnt have been able to do half the stuff we did with out Mike, Tom and Bruce...that is something you need when you go. If you have never been, you should go with somebody that is familiar with the park, and can lead you in the right direction (you know, get up on that rock, this is where your diff is, things like this)
Re: Scratches

buy your own pressure washer?? i doubt it.. the $5.00 you spend at the car wash will take a long time to add up to the cost of buying a decent power washer....
copying laurabostons idea:

What existing mods worked for you? the only thing i can call a mod on my jeep is the arb bumper and the cb. the arb saved my front from a tree, and made for a good place to put on recovery points. cb was a good mod, because i knew what was going on with the rest of the crew

What existing mods proved to be of no or limited value? agreeing with laura, not enough mods to know.

What future mods do you now contemplate? definitely agreeing with laura's mention of this one - SKID PLATES. then scraping and thudding wouldn't be like walking on egg shells. lift and tires would be something else to consider, but since they are way out of my price range right now, skids are a little more tangible.

What carry-along equipment was needed and what was not needed?
hmm i didn't use any tools personally, but high lift jacks for changing tires. plastic bags to put wet/smelly things in. toilet paper :lol: ~sorry i had to throw that in there. oh yeah the grills were pretty good ideas too!

thats what i've concluded from limited experience at paragon. guides and spotters make everything easier and are a huge help!!

Lockrites...... Good or bad on the road?

graewulf said:
buy your own pressure washer?? i doubt it.. the $5.00 you spend at the car wash will take a long time to add up to the cost of buying a decent power washer....

There are so many other uses for a pressure washer then just cleaning the Jeep. It would be a good investment, and very handy then having to go to the car wash, and not to mention you could clean out under the hood, with out the attendant at the wash yelling at you...
"you could clean out under the hood, with out the attendant at the wash yelling at you...


The Attendants in the south come to you and make sure you remember to get under the hood LOL we all know Mud on the Engine is bad.
Things I seen/overherd.

I think we could all learn from.
Leading is a Tough job, Every trail I picked out.

I herd someone say " This is a stocker run" Yes your stock yj can follow a Very Stock Cherokee Down Turtle Trail.
And a Overheating Rubicon Needs to understand the the other 8 vehicles are also my concern. It might of just been becouse you were upset that it was overheating. But Please be kind to the rest of the group, I was in a jeep Missing a driveshaft and made no attempt to ruin anyone's day.
If there is something I should do to become a better guide PLEASE let me know.

Man I just typed a monolog (sp) and Jeepz ate it! :roll: Maybe next time.

Hello L33TJ33P,

Not to hijack my own thread, but a difference in latitude can sometimes explain a difference in attitude.

Up here in the frozen north, where wintertime temps can be sub-zero for days at a time, the coin-operated car washes have to heat the wash water to keep all that exposed water pipe plumbing from freezing solid.

Although the practice is usually denied -- trust me -- the car washes filter the drain water for solids and then at least partially recirculate that very expensively heated water.

So when some guy comes in and sprays his engine with "Gunk" and then pressure washes his engine, that chemical laden water eventually gets re-sprayed on the succeeding vehicles.

Hence, the "No Engine Cleaning" signs and irate attendants common to northern coin-operated car washes.

What existing mods worked for you? Well I was not a stocker, just couldn't go next weekend, all my mods worked flawlessly!

What existing mods proved to be of no or limited value? My extra spare tire, I threw on a older 235-75-15 just in case, and no one needed it probably better that way

What future mods do you now contemplate? The TJ flares sitting in my garage are going to have to go on for two reasons 1. cut out the beat up body 2. I want to toss the trac bars and get better flex, but I have always needed more clearence. Also the York compressor thats sitting in my basement (winter project) might get moved up

What carry-along equipment was needed and what was not needed? Lets see, Use the Hi-Lift to change 87chevy's tire, My trusty trash bag and duct tape to get Mike and Tom off the trail with minimal damage to the $1500 YJ, gave Mike a spare U-Joint I carry, assorted tools, a 1/2 torque wrench that I carry. More Duct tape! Dead blow Mallet! And finally the beat to hell collman grille, gotta eat!

Anything you can think of about outfitting and modifying a Jeep for off-roading that I didn't mention. I am also going to consider swapping my front trac bar for the JKS unit! Any feed back appreciated!

As for the pressure washer I have one but it was 400 miles away at the time!!

Seriously, you now have the wisdom that can be gained only through experience. Considering I have been a avid off-highway driver for years, I accually like giving up some of the wisdom every now and then! Tom Mike and Bruce are all fart smellers, I mean smart fellers, hehe, And I was able to learn a little from then and I hope they learned a little from me! (wonders of duct tape)


Here is a link to a few photos from Saturday the 11th.

What existing mods worked for you?
-large tires and a little bit of a lift.

What existing mods proved to be of no or limited value?
-the chrome brush guard

What future mods do you now contemplate?
-definately an air compressor (inspired by Bruce)

What carry-along equipment was needed and what was not needed?
-well I have just purchased a high-lift jack as I went out to the truck today and noticed I had another flat and my spare was aready on the front left (all those rocks too their toll on my rims!)

Anything you can think of about outfitting and modifying a Jeep for off-roading that I didn't mention.
-Heavier axles
Anything you can think of about outfitting and modifying a Jeep for off-roading that I didn't mention.
-Heavier axles
Don't we all !!
Ohh Lockers too !

I got a spare York 210 Compressor, You have V-groove pulleys or a serpentine ?

For a fellow chevy owner $50.00
For a jeeper ITS NOT FOR SALE !!

just kidding same price.
Ya he has V groove. I think the serpintine in FS chevy's weren't until the Vortec motor. The 305 (I mean BB454) were all identicle from 79-87. I don't recall is he had AC or not, but the aftermarket AC on those Trucks were in fact 210 yorks so a bracket should be easy to locate!

Awesome! Yes I do have a V-belt and am very interested in the compressor. I do have AC also if that make any difference. If this sounds like it will work out, just let me know where I should send the money to. I'll either keep checking the board or you can email me at


(PS. It's great to know that I can find people who know just as much about Chevy's on a Jeep forum, haha)
My first truck was a chevy that I tore down and rebuilt back 10 years ago, still got the truck, just don't drive it that often (like haven't in the past 4 years)

To the Paragonites of October 11-12,

OK -- It looks like all of the posts are in.

I wanted to tie-off the end of this thread by adding a thank you for the replies.

I have learned several things from your posts and pictures.

When I started on my "Bubbacon Project" I really didn't have off-roading in mind. I didn't know of any Jeep clubs and off-roading activities in my locale then, so I have done some things to my Jeep in ways that I can now see were not optimal for off-roading.

Oh, well -- live and learn.

See? Contrary to the popular myth, an old dog can learn new tricks.


Thanks for your posts and pictures.

