painting faded fender flares

What happened?

I just tried a product by Mothers called "Back to Black." It seemed to leave a splotchy finish, but advised on the bottle to use more than one coat on difficult surfaces. I'll be putting two more coats on tomorow and let you all know how it went. Hopefully shiny again 8) . jered
Motorcraft Carb Gas Mileage?

I do body work for a living and have repaired many a plastic part and then painted it. The thing to remember about plastics is that you need to remove all traces of wax and greece and mold releace agents. These agents are in the plastic. Use soap and water first and then you can use isoropyl alcohol. Wet sand the parts with 400 grit wet sand paper. Clean again with alcohol. The parts are now ready for paint. I have never used the krylon product on a customers car but I dont see why it will not give you good results. Good luck and let me know if you need any more help.

After reading this thread, I went ahead and yanked all my flares with intentions of heating them up. I think I am actually going to leave them off. I really like the way it looks. It actually makes the 31 x10.5's look big. :wink:
I did mine with the heat gun this weekend ... worked great but they are a little splotchy but still much darker than before .... I made the mistake of taking the first one off and now I cant get all the screw backs to stay in place ....
I simply sprayed mine with a product called Jet Wet from autozone and put new life in them. It's really a tire procuct but does a good job on dash pads and other things. It's a temporary fix that you can repeat. give it a try.

I have heard from other posts that if you do the heat gun thing, the color comes back for a while then fades again, and cause some of the oil is removed, the flare loose a little flexability. I have TJ flares on my YJ, but they are the sahara units and are painted so they probably won't fade. That would be another route is to find a set of sahara flares on ebay. got mine for $150 for all of the flares and steps, just used the flares and re sold the steps and junk. they turned out wicked nice

They are kinda dirty, but look wicked killer in the sun.