Out of Commission Again


New member

I just got my Jeep back this afternoon. It was put in the shop after I could not shift gears. The dealer had it since Saturday afternoon. He said it was the slave cylinder that went out and it was replaced. Well, on my way back from the gym tonight, the same problem happened. A cloud of smoke and I couldn't shift gears. I will have to have it towed back to the dealer in the morning. I can't believe I am having this much trouble out a a vehicle that is 6 weeks old with 3700 miles. :-x :-x :-x [addsig]


Lemon Law 3 problems with the same part
and you can get a new one....Whaoo.... :-( :-? :-D

But I am really sorry to hear that you have had so
many problems with your JEEP,,,,,, :-(

edited by: jhiggins, Jun 24, 2003 - 05:04 PM[addsig]

Keep the faith my friend, it shall all work out in the end.. And hey your a jeep owner what could be better... I feel for you and hope all works out fine.

OlllllO :cool: [addsig]


That sucks....if I just bought a new jeep and all that was happening I would just return it to the dealership I bought it from and got a completely new jeep. There is not reason you should be having problems with a new jeep[addsig]

Dealer just called. He woke me up so I was a little groggy talking to him. He said something about a rod being bent and biding on the clutch. They have to replace the rod, clutch and the slave cylinder. He won't have the parts until tomorrow. Hopefully it will be put together tomroow night before I have to be into work.[addsig]

Just make sure the dealer sticks to his word. And if it breaks again, keep goin' back until it's fixed right. Eventually, they'll get tired of seeing you and do the job the way it's supposed to be. I've been there too (not with my Jeep though) and I know how frustrating it can be. Sometimes it comes down to a battle of wills and the best thing you can do is stay one step ahead (oh geez, now I'm sounding like my dad :roll: ).[addsig]


The dealer sometimes suck. But having a jeep and using it off road sometimes it will be down. My jeep has been down many times and a few tow rides home. But it feels really good when you can get it back on the road again. I would tell the dealer to get it right the first time. If it still happens i would look into the "lemon law".[addsig]