Out and About/Do You Hate your State?


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Well, It was bound to happen. My New toy :)

So, I took a spur-of-the moment trip to Virginia, 13 hours if I'm lucky from my Detroit suburb to Powhatan... As I drove through Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and at length, Virginia, I got to thinking about everyone on the board... I saw a LOT of various jeep on the way down, maybe some of them were some of you... I know that there are some that reside in Maryland and Virginia, specifically... So, if you saw a blue XJ, bumper sticker on the back, large iguana in the dashboard, with Michigan plates that just did not belong in the area, chances are it was me...

Now, do you hate your state? Never done a poll before, but I am curious... Michigan is prone to unpredictible weather, particularly in the winter, and I have worked with so many people who live in the state, but cannot stand it, either for it's snow, or other reasons... Me personally, I love my Michigan, and could not see living anywhere else... I am fond of snow in August, and thunderstorms for Christmas, not to mention 70 degree weather in February... So, what about you? Happy in your state, or miserable and just putting up with it?

I've lived in California, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado. When I lived in Colorado, I hated my state. When I lived in Texas, I hated my state. But CA and NM... I'm down with them. Good people and good weather.

Now if you'd have asked me this question about New Mexico before I moved to Colorado, I would have told you I can't stand it. But now I love it.
And I REALLY miss CA. :cry:
Sorry mingez I have to disagree. Cali sucks everthing is so expensive. I will move the first chance an opportunity presents itself. I honestly like the desert.
Sorry mingez I have to disagree. Cali sucks everthing is so expensive. I will move the first chance an opportunity presents itself. I honestly like the desert.

Ha ha, to each his own!!

Yeah it's expensive, but you're paying for the ability to see and do soooo much more than most people. You can: see a Broadway play, ski, eat East Indian food, get sushi, surf, hike, wheel, windsurf, surf, ride the BART (subway), cable car, gamble in Nevada.

Surrounded by diversity, you can actually meet a Korean, Indian, Russian, German, Mexican, Aussie, New Yorker, Somalian, and Japanese person at any moment. Hell, in San Francisco, you can prolly see them all in one Italian Restaurant. That'll never happen here. Italian food? Yeah right.

Sea Food in El Paso? No. The best one is in Juarez. Villa del Mar. (actually good)

Can you get Chinese at 3am? I can't. Dim Sum? Nobody know's what that is in Las Cruces, or Denver Colorado. You can't even get good food at 2 am on in Denver. Even on the weekend.

Beach, not here. Ocean Fishing, need an ocean. Beautiful Architecture, not here? You have mountains, desert, steppes, and beach. Weather? Nice.

Tommorrow I think I'll catch a pro sports game. Uhhh, guess what...no. There's a semi-pro hockey team in El Paso...oh wait, it's bankrupt.

I like Las Cruces much better than El Paso, but if I didn't have wheeling, I'd a shot myself in the head.

Yeah in CA, it's crowded. Traffics bad. It's expensive, but you know the saying: The grass is always greener. I just didn't realize I was on the greener side till I left my home. But that's just me! :wink: :D

I love Baltimore more than Cal Ripken. I'm going to be sad when I move to PA.

I am 3 hours or less from anthing and everything - beach, mountains, rivers, casinos, any major sport, off road parks... anything.
Mixed feelings for me. I've been a Kansas native all my life and have a "love-hate" relationship with it. It's not all flat like most people would believe. Eastern Kansas has beautiful rolling hills and timber. I have a 120 acre farm there, 80 acres of which is timber. Where I live, it is flat. Go 5 miles any direction and there are small hills. Go out to western Kansas and yeah, it's flat....really flat. You can see for 20 miles out there because there are no trees. We have good mud, and in the winter, good snow for wheelin' in. Not a lot of rock crawling around here, but in the eastern half there are some great trails. I'd rather live in Colorado if I had to move, but for now I'm content with "The Wheat State".
I'm a big fan of NJ, and can't picture myself living anyplace else...but I have some things I really hate about it, but mostly its love.

Have you ever tried this product?

I just moved to Idaho so I have not entirely decided. I Like the Small town I live in (1400 People) much better then Salt Lake (1 mill+) I do miss haveing the Mountains at my doorstep. Now they are 50 miles away. I also am 4-wheeling frustrated. I live in the middle of no where but have not found anywere to wheel. You go 1 mile in any direction from my house and the onlything is sagebrush and Lava but no trails just graded dirt roads. I did find a little sand dune yesterday that I will have to take my Jeep to check out. For the most part I love Idaho I just need to find some wheeling to be happy.

Oh yea and now I am twice as fare from Moab.
Interesting Thread.

I live in Maryland, lower shore very east. The coastline is 30 minutes from me and I adore that part of Maryland. I would give nothing for my beaches, every last one from the tourist specked OC to the quaint oldstyle beaches/islands further west (Cambridge/Easton) for those Marylanders that know it.

There are other things about Maryland that I love, things that I grew up with and mean something from my childhood. I grew up about 20 minutes from the beach, in farmland area. I love trees, grass, etc. Oaks, Maples, Mimosas, Magnolias, and Weeping Willows abound. I'm not sure those things would be the same even if I found them in another state.

To me there is nothing better than driving down the country roads in the summer time with a wide open sky above me full of stars. The crickets and frogs sing all night long and the forest creatures eyes can be seen all around. Around me are corn, soybean, and wheat fields.

For the past 10 years, I've lived in the largest town on the way to Ocean City (past Baltimore). I could give or take this town. It doesnt' mean much to me and it's getting quite crowded. We have a local university and I am on that end of town. I like the young crowds, the unique diverse crowd but sometimes I feel crammed and miss the insects and open skys that I grew up with. I love to visit and drive closer to the beach for those reasons. Otherwise, I like being able to get what I want any time of the night from any business in the city. In the country, you've a drive into town to get anything of worth.

From my visits around the country, I chose South Florida as my favorite area to live long ago. No country space there, but tons of the other things I like...the moderness, diversity, and great weather. I'm a warm weather person. Where I live now there is a very limited few months in the summer that it is warm.

Due to still wanting to be near my roots, and my aged family members I am staying in Maryland for some years to come.

I also adore all the quaint islands and other carribean places I've visited and someday towards the end of my life, I hope to spend my days in one of those particular harbors.

I love central Oregon, and am hoping to live there soon if I dont move to Vegas. But the Willamette Valley just plain sucks. Rain, cold, dreary, sunny maybe two or three months out of the year. No wonder we have a high sucide rate here....

I hate the people that live on the Cape with me I love my home and its surroundings, I hate MA taxes.
We are actually going to CA for a week sometime this winter to visit some family and check out some houses soooooo maybe soon ill be lovin everything.
Streaming Radio

Was born and raised in Cal. till I was 18 or so, and again for a few years in my mid twenties.
Seemed to be able to live most anywhere else in the U.S. (or the world)and rarley saw a cop, other than an occasional ticket.
Seemed like every other week some So. Cal. cop was pulling me over, for some reason or the other. Figured it was just for a look see, most times they didn´t even write me up for anything. Finally started to grate on the nerves some, especially after they beat on me a few times.
Never had much if any problem, anywhere else in the world. Finally decided to move and follow the path of least resistance. Haven´t seen a cop up close or been stopped or ticketed in more than ten years.
One reason, I´ve never gone back to Cal., figure if I´m gonna vacation or visit someplace, the last thing I want is being hassled by the Police. Figure I´ll spend my cash and visit someplace without the hassle.
I've lived in Georgia, Colorado, Ohio, California, and now Georgia (Atlanta) again. My favorites are Colorado and California, probably in that order.


I was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana and had a blast as a teenager. Moved about 1 hour away because I now have kids. The school system in New Orleans is pitiful and I don't want them to have quite as much fun as I did :twisted: .........

I had the opportunity to visit most of the U.S. while in the ARMY, I freaked out in my first bar outside of New Orleans (Lawton, Oklahoma 1986)I did not realize that the actually closed at 2:00am when the lights all came on I thought it was a raid, ours never closed. I have often thought of leaving Louisiana, but my wife really does not want to, so I am here to stay. I don't mind so much because I am a avid scuba diver and spear fisher and it does not get any better than the oil rigs in the Gulf off the coast of Grand Isle. The food here is awesome we always rate in the top two places in the world to eat.

As far as going wheeling we have plenty of mud and water no hills :( .
Born and raised in South GA. Only lived anywhere else when Uncle Sam told me to. perfectly content here and even now when surrounded by Yankees (Atlanta, GA) Still fit as a fiddle.
I love New Orleans!! If it weren't for the humidity and the eagle-sized mosquitos, I'd consider moving there. It rocks there!

lol Mingez that makes New Orleans sound like Maryland. I was ATE alive by cat sized mosquotes yesterday. It sucked big time.

New Orleans is def on my list of states left to visit sometime. I'd love to get there during mardi gras.

Mardi Gras comes early this year Feb. 8, 2005. If anyone is considering showing up look me up!!!!!

Mingez you are totally right the mosquitos here are monsters.
This is an interesting thread... Most everyone has the same feelings about their location, regardless of where it is. Some things to love, other things to hate.... As for me, I love Alabama. I have lived in Tennessee and a short period in South Carolina, and definitely Alabama is the place for me. Over all, I can't complain about my state.... well, politics aside anyhow!!!

posting and you

I was born and raised in Upstate NY and I really like it. I cant say I love it, the winters suck come March. There are two places I have loved and that was was Maui and Aspen, CO and if it wasnt for my family and friends eing on the East Coast I would move there in a heart beat (and I guess the money factor). Next stop will probably be southern florida cause the wife wants to move there, hopefully this NY boy wont melt.