Our "economic stimulus" rebates


New member
Does anybody really believe that when the government sends us our checks for $300, $600, $1200, $1500,.............whatever!!! that this is going to rescue us from this economic crisis??? The majority of the people are going to go spend this money at WalMart (????? China says "Thanks"!!!!!) or at the gas pump (Saudi Arabia says "Thanks"!!!!) or spend it on something made somewhere outside this country. Meanwhile, your mortgage is due, this month, next month, next month...................the maggot bankers are charging you 30% interest on your credit card (at one time this was known as "loan sharking".........good thing the Fed cut "their" rate by 0.75%!!!!!!)...............gas hovers at $3 a gallon and only gonna get worse................yeah, GW, send me $300 and all will be well with the world!!! Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture???????

Yeah it's a pathetic attempt at keeping the sheep happy. That FED rate cut was just another example of our fantasy land monetary system. The tax rebate, well that is an insult.

FWIW this is Ron Paul's comprehensive economic revitalization plan:
Ron Paul 2008 › Comprehensive Economic Revitalization Plan

I don't think Ron Paul is a viable candidate, but what I love is at the debates, when the man speaks on economics the other candidates sit with fake smiles hoping they are not asked to respond. Paul says what is, and says what no one (Dem or Rep) wants to say. They can't respond.

I'm not so sure Ron Paul would be a good president for our country today, but I wish there were more like him in congress.
the economy is in the tank.. oh yeah, cut the prime rate, print more money and send out checks to the retards to blow at Circuit City on HD Plasma TV's

How freaking stupid!

Kind of like what Ron Paul said in a recent debate on False News Channel.

if you want to hear somebody who understands economics listen to this.Video
The whole point is $300 per person will solve nothing at "our" level, but the business community will have a brief jump in sales as it is not enough money to save a home from forclosure, and it is not enough money to pay off a high interest credit card, it's not enough money to replace that aging roof, but it's just enough to go out and buy that something something you had your eye on. Worse yet, it would make a nice downpayment for someone to charge the rest, further increasing your debt.

The $300 certainly doesn't have you and I in mind.

$300 will be a nice chunk towards a new gun for me... I'll buy a Ruger to keep it in the country.
Ya might as well. You might be needing it when we enter into an all out dperession or worse.

I picked up a used stainless steel 4" GP100 in .357 mag recently. I always wanted a .357 and I really like it.

Besides, guns might be a heck of a lot better investment than the stock market will be in the days to come :(

I wish I could go buy something with it, I'll be putting it toward my credit card bill... I'm sure I'm not going to be the only one doing that. I will be buying a house this year though at some point... the interest rate is low and should be lower in about 2 weeks.
You guys are right.....that isn't enough money to make a difference.

I think I'll send mine back with a note that it be applied to the National Debt.
You guys are right.....that isn't enough money to make a difference.

I think I'll send mine back with a note that it be applied to the National Debt.

Haha! good point... I never will turn down "free" money.

"Free" is in quotes since you know it will be taxed next year...

Jeeze, let me ***** about money on the internet..

First of all, if you spend this "rebate" and I use that term loosely since it is tech money we already earned and paid for with our obsene taxes, I think your a fool. I know there are a bunch of morrons who will take this rebate and buy a big screen plasma what ever, but in all, as mentioned before, it won't do a lick for this government. If you are all smart people, invest it. If you are able to roll this money into a 401K it could be worth near $5,000-6,000 in the next ten years.

Personally, I plan on investing the rebate check, screw economic stimulus, if this counrty gets to the point where it is too expensive to live a quality of life I am used to, instead of complain... I'm going some where else!
I wish I could go buy something with it, I'll be putting it toward my credit card bill... I'm sure I'm not going to be the only one doing that. I will be buying a house this year though at some point... the interest rate is low and should be lower in about 2 weeks.

well, credit card debt typically is a higher interest rate than any 401k or mutual fund will get ya, so that's a good place to put it.
The $300 certainly doesn't have you and I in mind.

Yeah, we all certainly need to (as a country) find a more efficient way of creating spikes in the economy, other than trying to spur sales in retail. Rebates, and retail sales are merely feeding aspirin to the migraine headache that is our US economy.

we should all get a rebate check from the corporations who sold off our economy to the chi-coms and mexico
this is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak, thanks to immoral and unpatriotic capitalism, our economy and our middle class are disappearing faster than a fart in a tornado
Well our $1500 will be going to pay down our HELOC. We'll get it back when we sell our house then spend it on another house in about 10 years or so. I hope they can wait that long for me to spend it and save the economy.
"if this counrty gets to the point where it is too expensive to live a quality of life I am used to, instead of complain... I'm going some where else!"

You show a lot of American Patriotism. Dont wait, leave now. This is an insult to anyone who has served in our great nations military. If you have served, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

"if this counrty gets to the point where it is too expensive to live a quality of life I am used to, instead of complain... I'm going some where else!"

You show a lot of American Patriotism. Dont wait, leave now. This is an insult to anyone who has served in our great nations military. If you have served, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

There is a quote button you know..

And no it is not an insult, I am extremely thankful for those who serve this country, and I am proud to be an american. Fact of the matter is, if I could not afford to live here and provide for my family, I would move somewhere else where it would be possible, instead of collecting welfare, un-employment, public assistance or any other social program that is abused regularly by people with out consequesnce.

It is called being fiscally responsible.
You are right about our 'leaders'. They are the real problem. If you havent yet figured it out, stupid people get elected to office. Just look at the Mecklenburg County Sheriff election here in NC for proof. The local Democrats voted this guy into office when the previous sheriff resigned to take a federal job. Google Nick Mackey and see for yourself. Oh, and btw, he is a licensed lawyer for those who dont read this link.

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Man, politics is so frustrating.

This isn't a W "economic stimulus", congress bought into the idea. And if it weren't that it'd be something equally short-sighted. Just like now, W sits down with representatives of Congress and works out this deal, everyone agrees so it can get out to the masses more quickly and then, just as everyone is figuring where to spend the money they are going to get, the Dems want to add to the package to the tune of $$Billion for retired, unemployed, food stamps, whatever.

Problem is, if this were 8 years ago, Billary would have come up with an equally screwy package, gotten the buy-in from Congressional representatives and then the GOP would want to change the deal after the meeting.

I've made enough spins around the sun to know that Dem or GOP president, Dem or GOP controlled congress REALLY seems to makes no difference.

What I DO find amusing is the campaigning for a "new direction" every four years ... and we have the same list of lifetime politicians to choose from.