

New member
Ever looked into the Superfund or NPL (National Priorities List)? Very interesting if your into environmental stuff. Here is a description of the superfund: Superfund is the Federal government's program to clean up the nation's uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.

I am used to seeing like old mining industries, septic companies, pesticide companies, etc on the list but here is one of the newest listings just added to the Superfund:

NPL Site Narrative for Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Area


Island of Vieques and Culebra Island Archipelago, Puerto Rico
Federal Register Notice: August 13, 2004

The Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Area (AFWTA) was identified by the Governor of Puerto Rico as the Commonwealth's highest priority facility for Superfund Response; it includes eastern and western portions of the island of Vieques, areas of the Culebra Archipelago, and associated waters. This area, located approximately 8 miles east of Puerto Rico, has been used for approximately one hundred years by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for training purposes. Contamination resulting from the training activities and activity undertaken in support of the training can be found in many parts of this area. This facility includes land and water areas in and around the municipalities of Vieques and Culebra where contamination has come to be located as a result of activities of the DoD and training exercises held by other nations in conjunction with the DoD.

Vieques is home to approximately 9,300 residents. In addition, there are approximately 3,000 residents on Culebra. Vast areas of this facility have been set aside as wilderness area of wildlife refuge. The national wildlife refuges located on the Culebra Archipelago and Vieques provide habitat for at least 25 federally and Puerto Rican endangered species and other sensitive environmental areas, including bioluminescent bays, as well as important archeological sites. In addition, both islands have an active and growing tourism industry dependent on the waters, beaches and fisheries.

To see what the DOD left behind, visit the report here: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/nar1719.htm


I use to do environmental remediation studies for Ciba-Geigy, so know the superfund stuff pretty well. Especially Toms River! What a mess.
Lift and Tires!!!! (large pics)

NdNatty, that's cool man. I know well who Ciba is. :lol: My company is in the same business they are. That is part of why I follow environmental information so I can know what to do someday when my company screws up or to find out which customer or competitor has screwed up lately. I'm following the Dupont C-8 releases into the Ohio River now. I love the EPA's site as much as I do NOAA's (just a weather nut).
