
RE: Selling my Jeep....

So, lately I've been avoiding the 70mph stretch of highway on the way to work to conserve gas. My usual route has me on it for only 2 miles, but it burns a lot of gas getting up to speed for that short distance. So, I've been taking a dirt road over to the next backroad blacktop. Well, yesterday, we had 3/4" of rain and I totally forgot I had the back side windows out. Didn't take me long to remember once the mud started flying. Now I've got muddy sand and sandy mud all over the inside of the Jeep, even clear up to the windshield. The worst part of it is that the side window zippers are totally caked with mud. And, it's raining again today and I had planned on putting them back in, but it will take too long to clean the zippers....bummer. Only thing I'm really worried about getting wet are the speakers in my sound wedges.

side note: DANG!!!!!! A bolt of lightning just hit right outside and scared the CRAP outta me!!!!!

Hahahahahahaa..... Watch out for the "Nip-on" action that occurs. Ya got caught!!!

Best part about owning a Wrangler: Wind in your hair, sun on your face, a sense of freedom.

Worst part: Bugs in your teeth, mud in your eye, and hail in your cab!
Oh man, I sure know what that's like!

The night before my graduation I stayed over at a friends house. Lets just say the night before it was nice and sunny, so I left the top and doors at home. The next morning...It was pouring down rain and my graduation gown and my nice clothes were soaked. And to make things worse, I had to drive the girl I was with all the way to her house about 30 miles away...then go home and figure out what to do (considering my only suit and everything was covered in mud/water).
Well, I didn't get the windows in before work yesterday, and it poured pretty much all day. Suprisingly, it wasn't too wet. And the speakers seemed to be pretty well protected by the door windows. Sure got a lot of funny looks from people driving along with no rear windows, though!