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I was having a crazy day at work on Sunday.... busy and just wacky in general. I answer phones for a major hospital and some days the stuff you hear is just crazy. So, a young and very cute security guard comes up and mumbles something which I THOUGHT was " Who's gonna pay me to take my shirt of?" I said WHATT?? How MUCH to take your shirt off?? giggle giggle.... My coworker and this guy turn to me and they say WHATT??? What did you just say?! I repeated it and they both busted out laughing and said that he SAID "Who will pay me to take my SHIFT?" HAHAHAHA!! :redface: I laughed out loud with a very red face then all afternoon they busted my butt about my trashy mind.
SO, it doesn't end there. I get home and realize I have NO internet access at all. I mess with it and nothing happens. I hate AOL, by the way. I get on the line with an AOL tech, they have me on for a half hour and then tell me to contact my phone company. I call this guy who tells me to unplug this and do that... test my modem, test my router, etc. I am getting really ticked off. My cords won't reach...I have to keep putting the phone down. He then tells me the trouble is with AOL. GGGGRRRRRR! I am ready to blow a gasket!
So I have about 2 hours into this mess when I call AOL again...and I get this guy who is instructing me to do the same stuff the other AOL tech said! I am so frustrated by this point I am ready to start using my "man voice"! Don't make me use my man voice... it's not pretty! So.. about 20 minutes into it with THIS guy he asks me to do a control/alt/delete... SO, I rest the phone on my shoulder and under my chin.....You already KNOW what I am going to say, right? I put the phone on my shoulder and I hear.. "CLICK". I hung up on the guy!!!! AAAAAHHHHH! Now what am I gonna do?!! Oh man.. I am FUMING MAD! ( You gotta know me and how I am can flipout at the drop of a hat, it's comical).
I am SOOOO mad/frustrated/tired/crazy that I start screaming at the TOP of my lungs... I mean SO loud, in my MAN voice that I was scaring myself!!! IT was stuff that was SO foul.... I was even making up cuss words. So, it went something like this....
I will use abbreviations as to not get kicked off this board...
"Hit contro/alt/delete maam"
Okay... "Click" (hangup)
"Oh NOOOO! SHT! Son of a ! AAHHHHHH! God D.I!!!!!! (pant! Heave!)SHHHHHTTTTT!! You rotten C...S....M....F...A B C.... blarbedy blar bleepity bleep dirty rotten ------!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!! NOOOOOOOO! " I stop to take a breath and prevent a brain aneurism...and I hear, in this teeny little voice, "Maam?" "Maam?... are you okay, Maam??"
urple: I took a fit of hysterical laughing! I laughed for SO long, I just hit the button and hung up the phone! What could I have possibly said that would justify THAT?? HE probably thinks I was freaking out on him and not being able to solve my problem!!
Did you ever find something so incredibly hysterical that you just can NOT control your laughter no matter how hard you try.. you start snorting and coughing and crying?!
urple: It was one of those moments that could only happen to me....
I just shared this story with my coworker and we are both laughing so hard we can't answer the phones! That poor AOL tech. God Bless him wherever he may be.....
SO, it doesn't end there. I get home and realize I have NO internet access at all. I mess with it and nothing happens. I hate AOL, by the way. I get on the line with an AOL tech, they have me on for a half hour and then tell me to contact my phone company. I call this guy who tells me to unplug this and do that... test my modem, test my router, etc. I am getting really ticked off. My cords won't reach...I have to keep putting the phone down. He then tells me the trouble is with AOL. GGGGRRRRRR! I am ready to blow a gasket!
So I have about 2 hours into this mess when I call AOL again...and I get this guy who is instructing me to do the same stuff the other AOL tech said! I am so frustrated by this point I am ready to start using my "man voice"! Don't make me use my man voice... it's not pretty! So.. about 20 minutes into it with THIS guy he asks me to do a control/alt/delete... SO, I rest the phone on my shoulder and under my chin.....You already KNOW what I am going to say, right? I put the phone on my shoulder and I hear.. "CLICK". I hung up on the guy!!!! AAAAAHHHHH! Now what am I gonna do?!! Oh man.. I am FUMING MAD! ( You gotta know me and how I am can flipout at the drop of a hat, it's comical).
I am SOOOO mad/frustrated/tired/crazy that I start screaming at the TOP of my lungs... I mean SO loud, in my MAN voice that I was scaring myself!!! IT was stuff that was SO foul.... I was even making up cuss words. So, it went something like this....
I will use abbreviations as to not get kicked off this board...
"Hit contro/alt/delete maam"
Okay... "Click" (hangup)
"Oh NOOOO! SHT! Son of a ! AAHHHHHH! God D.I!!!!!! (pant! Heave!)SHHHHHTTTTT!! You rotten C...S....M....F...A B C.... blarbedy blar bleepity bleep dirty rotten ------!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!! NOOOOOOOO! " I stop to take a breath and prevent a brain aneurism...and I hear, in this teeny little voice, "Maam?" "Maam?... are you okay, Maam??"

Did you ever find something so incredibly hysterical that you just can NOT control your laughter no matter how hard you try.. you start snorting and coughing and crying?!

I just shared this story with my coworker and we are both laughing so hard we can't answer the phones! That poor AOL tech. God Bless him wherever he may be.....