old dog,new tricks.

clydethepirate said:
I try to live by a dogs wisdom.

my dog sniffs other dogs poop when i take him for a walk... hopefully you dont live by my dogs wisdom...
A friends dog ,peed on my leg while I was takeing one,thought "darn I'm not going on myself" and there he was.
1.Who sleeps all dayt & who goes to work?
2.Who feeds who?
3.Who cleans up after who?
4.Who gets driven around in the Jeep & gets to just sit back & enjoy the ride?

I think my dogs already know all the tricks.....they have me perfectly trained.
if aliens were to look down to earth they would think that humans were slaves and dogs were kings and queens, i mean think of it, we feed them wash them and clean up after them lol

Or, the cars and trucks and vehicles were seen as the "beings" and everything inside of same were the pets.....
