Oil leak from Timing Chain Cover 2006 4.7 Jeep Grand Cherokee


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I went for a regular oil change tire change etc, and was told I have an oil leak coming from the timing chain cover? This oil leak has been ongoing for a few months now. In a previous oil change a mechanic had mentioned I may have an oil leak coming from something that may lead to a head gasket leak or something I'm not sure. Today I am going back to the mechanic to ask him if the leak is coming only from the timing chain cover.

From what I've been reading they gave me a decent quote to change the timing chain cover gasket, 5 hours of labour and a 20$ gasket part.

Do you guys think this will fix my problem? I've also changed a thermostat and water pump that was leaking coolant from the wheeping hole a few years ago. Just wanted to mention these in case they have anything to do with it.

I've also read 4.7's seem to have this issue after a while. My engine has 165,000 miles. There was also some issues with idling when not allowing the Jeep to warm up for at least 15-30 seconds before driving off. (Sometimes).

I uploaded a picture of an oil leak I found this morning: I touched and felt it, feels like nice clean oil, but than again, what the heck do I know? Any help or advice appreciated. Thanks.


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Can't speak with much experience for getting my hands on a 4.7 liter V8. Was supposed to work on correcting oil leaks on my dads '99 GC but the jeep changed hands soon after some work I did over the summer . Now my sister-in-law is beating on it. Hope she has enough sense to check the oil once in a while .
As I recall , the engine did have a habit , coolant and oil . Was plotting valve covers , possible timing cover and front seal , and hoping not a rear main . That's a motor pull . Be damned if I was going to drop a trans/transfer case for a seal ! My dad wouldn't tolerate that much time out of service with so many miles on the clock . He spent enough $$ , was willing to live with it.
I did shampoo the engine to watch leaks though . Would have entailed much disassembly of accessories just to do the timing cover . That was to be expected .
I would say before getting the jeep into the shop if you can clean up the grime just to help find the wet spots first . You'll want to know what leaks to plan out the repair . You may find it needs valve cover gaskets which leak oil down and have folks believe other places are leaking such as a timing cover , rear main seal , intake manifold , oil pan , etc. . I've never tried an old trick but your welcome to as it may work for you . May have been on our forum too.
Once to engine is all dolled up and detailed nice , shake some baby powder over the suspected areas . When the engine is running you can see where the leak originates across a white background making it easier to find what gasket is the culprit . Hope this helps . Sounds like it would work .
Hey Greg thanks for info and tips man. Unfortunately I'm about as dumb as a goldfish or something smaller when it comes with anything to do with the engine area. Heck almost the whole Jeep.

But i like what your saying..that it ciuld be leaking from a valve cover etc and dropping on the timing chain cover. I have a trusty mechanic though so that helps. I will go visit him today and explain to him or ser if he knows how to pin point where the leak is coming from. Think I should bring him baby powder? Ha. I'll tell him though.

I had the engine washed but damn if i know where or what else to clean.

Which part or problem would you recommemd like your dad did, not to fix? If they life the engine to fix the gasket or seal when they put it back it won't feel the same? What the hells to do lol.
Your most welcome . Was hoping my mis-experience would be of service .
Never discount yourself . Sometimes I think I'm not saving myself anything .
But at today's labor $$ , and the fact that good techs who even care are a lost art and precious commodity.

I'll them to look first for a high pressure power steering hose leak, than tell them if they want to add a black dye or talcium/baby powder to possibly find a front oil seal leak, valve cover leak, headgasket leak, front crank seal leak, intake manifold leak, oil pressure sending unti leak? Damn mechanic is gonna throw me out the friggin place.

I'll also mention this: Just an update- I did replace the driver side cylinder head access plug and I have had NO further leaks! I highly recommend anyone with a front end oil leak that has already replaced valve cover gaskets and the sending unit to consider carefully removing the PS pump and sliding it to the side to gain access and remove this plug.

Note- to remove the plug I took a small self-tapping screw and gently screwed it into the plastic cover by hand, being sure not to exert a lot of pressure on the cap so as not to break it. I then took a pair of pliers and grabbed the screw and the cap popped right out.

and this: "My dripping oil filter was a bad crimp on the high pressure hose if PS pump."

And to tell me if I will require new coolant and oil if it gets flushed?

And also if they have to remove the water pump/gasket if they do all this...