Off-Topic Poll


New member
I read on-line where a family in SC had to pay $5000 because their daughter downloaded some music off of KAZAA. So...I thought....since I am bored...LETS START A POLL!

I myself see nothing wrong with downloading the music for free. I could see where Madonna, Ozzy, Whoever could get upset if someone was charging for these downloads (and not forking up some cash), but when no money changes hands...I look at it as "Person A (who bought the CD) is "giving" Person B a "gift" from that CD. The way they make it sound I could not go out and buy a CD, then give it to anyone as a gift..say for Christmas.

What about the sites that get around this by "CHARGING" you a fee to join their site? Napster (now), LimeWire, and other charge a "one time" fee for unlimited downloads. If I pay my "$19.95" to join and then download 1500 songs...i just payed 0.0133 cents each vs. $1.33 per song on a 15 song CD for $19.95. Are those sites giving part of my money to the Artist for each song I download....I would think not.

Anyway it doesn't matter...the law tells me I can' there you go...but I have relieved some of my boredom 8)

I personally do think that it is wrong. The way I see it is those who made those CD's should get their money for the work they did. Yes, it is more money than they know what to do with...But hey, they figured out a way to make that money and be successfull.

However, I don't really think it's all that bad to get the songs for free. It's not like I think any less of people who do it or anything like that. It's just that I personally wouldn't download them. (and my 56K modem has some influence on that too!!).

I have gone and bought most of the CD's that I have. I do, however, burn all those into mp3's and give them to some friends and friends do the same for me. But, since the CD was originally bought, I don't really think of that being the same as downloading them.

That's just my opinion though...
RE: Computer Problems

But, since the CD was originally bought
But so was the original CD where that song was turned to MP3 and then downloaded to another user......for free...or given to a friend........whereas that friend just got a song that he did not go out and purchase.....
Question about upper hard doors for half doors.

Some girl here in Vancouver got fined last year for having something like 3000 songs on her computer that she downloaded. Can't remember how much the fine was. Piece of advice....if you are gonna download music, put it on a hard disc asap and take it off your computer.

Question for those of you who know about welders

I see it this way.. If a song i download is from a band who's CD i would not buy in the first place, they are not missing out, because they would not have got my money to begin with. if it is a band who's CD i would have bought, then i buy the CD anyway, so they are not losing out
jeep return?????

I think it sucks that so many bands get ripped off because of downloading. I buy the cds and import the songs most of the time. But if there is a different version of the song like live or something I will download it.
RE: Still have fenders,grill & hood ?

I dunno, I think it is wrong cause if I put the effort and the work into something, I would perfer to have it taken from somewhere else for free. and because of it, the artist is getting screwed, less people are buying CD's so... The artist is less likely to do small local gigs cause there is no money in it, and record contracts are getting harder and harder to get.

I dunno, having frineds that have bands and friends with a well know band.. I see how it effects them.

and some people say they have so much money bla bla bla, so... would you work for free?

RE: I got a spare 4.0 sittin around

I used to download mp3's all the time with my cable internet access, but when all the law suits started i dropped out of it. Personally, I look at this way: This is nothing but free advertising for the bands. People who really like a band will still go and buy th CD's. there are often bonus tracks, or other media files on a cd that you can't find online. Also, this could help the band with peopple who aren't familiar with the band hearing the music, liking it, and buying it. This is no different from back in the days where you could record a tape from the radio. Its been going on for a long time, but some lawyers found a get rich quick scheme. Remember Off-Spring? They put their entire album online for free downloads, and they still sold a ton of albums. Just proof that the artists don't really get hurt. Besides, out of the $19.95 for the CD, the artist may get about $2.00 a piece, so whose really getting hurt?
I think the artists should be paid for their songs. Afterall, that's how they make a living. Let's say you are a carpenter and build houses. Someone just comes along and starts living in one of the houses you built without paying for it. You make tons of money selling your houses, so what does it hurt that you don't get paid for one of them? See my point?

However, I don't think the end-user is the one who should be sued, fined, arrested, etc., for downloading the music. It should be the guy with 25,000 songs on his server that is letting the people download them!
RE: jeep return?????

The artist is less likely to do small local gigs cause there is no money in it,
The artist wouldn't necessarily go to smaller venues even if they sold more cd's, because the bigger venues would start forking out more dough for them to come. There are more large venues for bands to play to keep them busy, and that is why most don't play smaller venues. However some well known bands do play smaller venues but it's not for the money, it's usually where they started out, and they do it for the fans. Artists don't make their killing off of selling cd's/tapes, they make most of it off of conert tickets. And the people who download their music are often times the people that will pay the money to go hear them live as well. IMO there is nothing wrong with downloading songs of the bands you like, however, when you get to the people that just download the songs to make the cd's and sell them to their friends, I do believe that is wrong. And that is why the government is cracking down on the people with thousands of songs, instead of the average joe who has a couple hundred.

I personally use iTunes to buy my music. In the past I have downloaded music for free but quality can't match iTunes 192 kbps quality. And you can get a new album for less than $10 most of the time. The down side is that the songs are protected so you can't burn then to CD. But I just put them on my iPod and plug it in to my AUX port in my headunit and have 4'000 songs to listen to. and it doesn't skip while wheel'n.
I understand the arguments on getting your money for you work. As I am a Commercail Photographer and if someone was to download my images from my web site and use with out paying I would sue them. Its a hole new world of avalible info and files these days on the web.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Jeep Unlimited on the Rubicon Trail

How is it different from the old days of recording music onto a tape from the radio? Seems the same to me.
I did it back in the original Napster days but haven't since. Not because of some moral obligation not to, althought I do think that it is wrong, but simply with wife and child I haven't really had the time. I belive that the artists are getting screwed by the record companies first and foremost but that is a whole 'nother thread.

I don't have a problem with "sharing" music. "Hey Bill, check out this new cd I bought. Take it home and listen to it but then give it back to me." I see that as sharing. Making 100 copies of my purchased cd and passing them out to anyone that wants one is not sharing. That is what you are doing when you allow you music on your hard drive to be "shared". You are letting people take that music without paying for it and I don't think that is right. I never said I won't do it again should I want to seek out a song but I will know that what I'm doing is not 100% legal. So while I understand why it's wrong, I really don't care because as someone said before, if I download a song and like what I hear I'll probably go and buy the cd. If I down load a song and don't like it, I won't buy it and no one has lost out on anything. I and others like me are probably in the minority. There are plenty of people that ONLY get their music from downloading and rarely buy the cd. I know these people. They are not terrible people but just don't have a lot of money to spend and love their music and want as much as possible.

Now, will it ever stop? I don't think it can be stopped. I think the record companies are going to have to rethink the way they do business and somehow embrace file sharing in order to survive. Adapt and survive. The movie companies couldn't stop the VCR, could they?

I do not understand the need for Hamlet-like soliloquies and tortuous rationalizations surrounding the ethics of pirating copyrighted music.

Perhaps my age and bottom-line mentality are showing. If so, forgive a near senile old geezer. It just all seems so simple to me: if something is illegal, that is really all that I need to know. That is the bottom-line.

That bottom-line issue settled, I am left to make an informed and conscious decision to obey or disobey the law.

The current I-Net music pirating situation has a partial analogy in the marijuana debates of 40-years ago. Back then, Doctor A claimed that M-J is bad for one’s health; thus, laws regarding control of M-J are necessary. Doctor B counter-claimed that M-J is not bad for one’s health; thus, laws regarding control of M-J are unnecessary. Dueling doctors, both opinions authoritative, armies of well-informed and well-intentioned supporters on both sides of the issue. That war of words continues to this day, with no armistice yet in sight.

As a practical matter, Doctor A’s and Doctor B’s opinions regarding marijuana matter for little or nothing. The people who put people into jail for illegal use/possession/sale of marijuana consult books of law. They do not consult books of medicine.

In a similar fashion, opinions regarding the ethics of pirating copyrighted music matter for little or nothing. The people who put people into court for pirating copyrighted music consult books of law. They do not consult books of philosophy.

There is little to debate because -- debate has been superseded by law.

You only need to make a choice: obey or disobey the law.

You understand the rules of the game, you choose to roll the dice; you choose to take your chances, you choose to accept the reward, you choose to accept the penalty.


Bottom-Line Gadget
As if MTV and music videos destroying the level of quality of music by taking the focus off musical talent and putting it too much on image and video isn't bad enough, now the musician's can't even make money because their music is stolen everywhere, everyday.

Rock is dead, and has been so for some time now.

"Something touched me deep inside, the day the music died"

bitter old fart,
RE: Do you need a Cherokee Transition?

singers already make a bajillion dollars - they are doing sooo much more than singing now. their job is already way better than mine and they are making way more money doing it. so why should i fork out all my cash to listen to the one or two songs on their CD i actually want to listen to. i dont download a lot of music but i find that i listen to a lot of different bands this way. a friend will be like "hey have you listend to this band?? you gotta hear this song its krippling" i'm not gunna go out to a store and buy a CD i think i might like. its just not logical anymore.

RE: Still have fenders,grill & hood ?

Inspector-Gadget said:
............That bottom-line issue settled, I am left to make an informed and conscious decision to obey or disobey the law..................You only need to make a choice: obey or disobey the law.

You understand the rules of the game, you choose to roll the dice; you choose to take your chances, you choose to accept the reward, you choose to accept the penalty.


Bottom-Line Gadget

Gadget, you always say it so well. And, yes, we all make that decision every day of our lives (Speed Limit?) the old barkers used to say, "You pays your money, you takes your chances"
mud4feet said:
Inspector-Gadget said:
............That bottom-line issue settled, I am left to make an informed and conscious decision to obey or disobey the law..................You only need to make a choice: obey or disobey the law.

You understand the rules of the game, you choose to roll the dice; you choose to take your chances, you choose to accept the reward, you choose to accept the penalty.


Bottom-Line Gadget

Gadget, you always say it so well. And, yes, we all make that decision every day of our lives (Speed Limit?) the old barkers used to say, "You pays your money, you takes your chances"

And, as my grandpappy the Sheriff once said, "It's only illegal if you get caught." In other words, do as you want, but be prepared to pay the consequences.
antsinmypants said:
their job is already way better than mine and they are making way more money doing it. so why should i fork out all my cash to listen to the one or two songs on their CD i actually want to listen to.

So what you're saying is because they make more money than you and you like their job better than yours then you should be entitled to what is rightfully theirs for free? Interesting how that philosophy works.

You should vote for Hillary Clinton when she runs for president, she has the same take on healthcare.


RE: 1993 Transfer Case Help

You want something even harder to figure out, take a look at

It is a russian website that charges 1 cent per meg for music (about 82 cents an album). The thing is, this is perfectly legal - in Russia. They pay fees to the Russian Riaa (the Us Riaa has no jurisdiction over there). By buying music on that site, you are importing legally purchased music. Will that stand up in court - who knows, but it just seema alot safer than kazaa or bittorrent.