Not a Jeep but....


New member

when was the last time you saw something like this ?

This is my friends pretty much stock Mazda (32" tires).

And yes, he did get the duece out (with the help of a standard size winch that couldn't pull it out alone )!!!





edited by: PASmokeater, Mar 30, 2003 - 07:42 PM[addsig]

It's a Deuce, like an Army truck. The owner stalled it with the starter under water, and couldn't get it going again.

Rob :-P 8-) :-) [addsig]


wait... is that a ford f250 i see sitting there, or maybe even a f350? and the mazda is doing the pulling? haha[addsig]

First, the Ford had the winch, and he was trying to use it to pull the duece out. The winch alone wouldn't do it. lol
Second, Joe (my friend with the Mazda) managed to blow the motor in his t-case while being the nice guy that he is ( we think thats what he did, taking it apart next weekend and will know for sure), and the guy says thanks, and he'd gladly compensate him, but didn't have any money with him....what a bum !!!!


:-P 8-) :-) [addsig]


OK.. since people seem to talk about me here, i joined up (hey Stumpy... ;-) )

yeah, i blew the electric shift motor on the T-case at the least.... think the T-case is still operational, im still pretty upset about it though... thats the last time i pull out a 13,000lb truck... i'll stick to rescuing stuck jeeps.... [addsig]

Heh..nice to see you joined a board that talks about real vehicles lol.......Just so you all know, the rescuing wulf's talkin about is mostly our other friend, (and occasionaly me lol) Let's give the Mazda man a good out look twords us Jeepers and extend a hand (ps he knows his S&*T too, so it might be nice to have him around lol)

BTW I caught that Stumpy referance LMAO

Rob :-P 8-) :-) [addsig]