NORA - Check us out!


New member
Hello, my name is Erin Lara and I am the Member Services Director for The National Off Road Association (NORA)

Our mission is to be an advocate for change for the off-road community! We want to be able to provide information to off-road enthusiasts nationwide which can be used to influence state and national policy makers on legislation where access to public lands by off-highway vehicles (OHV) is at risk.

I invite you to check out our website
Then invite your family, friends and other off-road enthusiasts to check it out too!

NORA wants you to have the ability to easily take action on issues like possible trail closures and other issues that directly affect you and your members. When you visit our website, you can sign up to receive FREE eNewsletters. In addition, we post Action Alerts each month on current issues, and possible trail closures. On the NORA website you can take action immediately. Within a minute, your voice can be heard. All you need to do is act. We have done the homework, had it checked for accuracy and even written the letter or suggested dialog for you. Again, all you have to do is act.

As I am sure you already know, there have been over 60,000 thousand miles of trails that have been closed in the past two decades, including Tellico just last week (hopefully this is only temporary!) with thousands more that are under review for potential closure across the United States. Our goal is to keep the trails that you and other off-roaders enjoy open.

Lastly, I do want to let you know that if you want to do something to work hand in hand with us to make positive changes for the off-road community, you can become a NORA member. We are accepting memberships to NORA. In an effort to give back to our members, we have been working with a fantastic group of sponsors that have generously contributed coupons and discounts for our members. The NORA membership is only $29.95 per year! The discounts the sponsors are offering to NORA members total over $1,500!!!

Thank you for taking the time to read about the National Off-Road Association (NORA). I hope that you will visit our website soon!
Re: Doing your homework on NORA

Yes, you are correct that the Founder of NORA, Pearse Umlauf is the Vice-President and General Manager of Jeep Jamboree USA. Pearse created the National Off-Road Association (NORA) as a for-profit organization (Corp-S) for the very specific reason that by doing so; NORA is able to lobby on behalf of the entire off-roading community. In order to effect change on a larger scale, NORA will establish the ability to lobby both in Washington and in state capitols across the United States. NORA is not a 501 (c)(3) corporation, if we were, we would not have the ability to lobby on your behalf.

As I am sure you are aware, in order to be effective in lobbying, and addressing trail closures will be the economic and environmental impact reports that NORA will initiate through third-party organizations to ascertain, in a meaningful way, the role of the off-road industry within townships & communities nationwide.

These reports are absolutely necessary in order to “back-up” the message we are trying to send. While the numbers of off-road enthusiasts are rapidly increasing every year, we are aware that even more miles of OHV trails are rapidly decreasing each year. As part of the off-road community we need to take the offense for once and educate the decision makers about the importance of keeping trails open.

These necessary reports do not come free. The membership dues that we are collecting will be used for the Economic and Environmental impact reports that will be taken to State Capitols, Local government entities and Washington in order to lobby on YOUR behalf.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us here at NORA. We believe that there is “strength in numbers” and we hope that you join us in the efforts we are making to keep the trails you enjoy open.

Erin Lara
Member Services Director
National Off-Road Association (NORA)
Office: 530-333-1487, Ext.1
Fax: 530-333-4682
2776 Sourdough Flat /
P.O. Box 1750
Georgetown, CA 95634

While I'm not versed in the Corporate world, seems you could accomplish all those objectives as a non-profit corp. Please 'xplain why a non-profit is prohibited from lobbying?
501 (c) 3... doubt it, actually impossible. You would need to be registered with the IRS under the application for recognition of exemption under section 501 (a). your filing would be as a 501 (c) 7 entity, you would have to file a 1024 form as well as a 8718 form.

I think you are not trying hard enough.. Do some research.
Non-profits are not prohibited from lobbying, they are limited in the amount of money they are allowed to spend in the political arena. Example: Blue Ribbon Coalition, has been created as a 501 (c)(3). Because they are required to file a 990 tax form with the IRS this limits the amount of money they can legally spend.

NORA is not asking anyone to spend money to become a member (like other organizations), we are simply asking people to Take Action on very important land access issues, for instance Tellico and the Rubicon Trail. Actions taken over the last three months have increased 300% by individual OHV enthusiasts via the NORA Action Alerts we post on our website.

From previous posts it is clear that some do not view land access issues as important topics to discuss, which is important. Off-road trails are the backbone of this community. Without off-road trails, there would be nothing to discuss. Please share with us, how your involvement has helped keep trails open?

Pearse Umlauf, CEO

Well, I speak only for myself.

I with the help of my fellow club members have secured through leasing agreements with private land owners, some people, some large corporate land owners such as logging firms, the legal rights to utilize private land. Our collective collection of private land is in excess of 9000 acres over 5 different states. Our most recent acquirement is a really hearty 300 acre parcel located on a ledged shelf slope that the current land owner has given us 100% freedom to develop the trail system as we see fit to our needs.

Fact of it is where I live and wheel, aside from some class 6 roads, there is not a whole lot of public land to utilize, so collectively myself as well as others, and by others some 21 different clubs, have been proactive in volunteering our time and effort in securing land that we recreate on.

and My appologies, I miss read, I thought the Erin part of your screen name typed that NORA was a 501 (c) 3.
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Non-profits are not prohibited from lobbying, they are limited in the amount of money they are allowed to spend in the political arena. Example: Blue Ribbon Coalition, has been created as a 501 (c)(3). Because they are required to file a 990 tax form with the IRS this limits the amount of money they can legally spend.
Doesn't make since. 501(c)(3) organizations are not limited in the money they can bring in, why would they be limited on what they can spend?

NORA is not asking anyone to spend money to become a member
But you are, to the tune of $29.95, and there's nothing to limit your sole profit from this organization.

From previous posts it is clear that some do not view land access issues as important topics to discuss, which is important. Off-road trails are the backbone of this community. Without off-road trails, there would be nothing to discuss. Please share with us, how your involvement has helped keep trails open?
I'm not against supporting land access issues, but what I am against is JJUSA and any efforts by those associated with it to profit. I am also against the message to keep land open becoming diluted by the creation of such 'for-profit' organizations. And I really don't feel the need to share with anybody my own involvement in land access issues, I don't work towards those means in order to wear it on my chest as a badge of honor.

I may be taking the unpopular stance here, but most of my dislike towards this venture is with the root organization behind it, and playing devil's advocate towards a 'for-profit' organization.
Doesn't make since. 501(c)(3) organizations are not limited in the money they can bring in, why would they be limited on what they can spend?

But you are, to the tune of $29.95, and there's nothing to limit your sole profit from this organization.

I'm not against supporting land access issues, but what I am against is JJUSA and any efforts by those associated with it to profit. I am also against the message to keep land open becoming diluted by the creation of such 'for-profit' organizations. And I really don't feel the need to share with anybody my own involvement in land access issues, I don't work towards those means in order to wear it on my chest as a badge of honor.

I may be taking the unpopular stance here, but most of my dislike towards this venture is with the root organization behind it, and playing devil's advocate towards a 'for-profit' organization.

Well said Bounty_Hunter.

I believe that we will have to agree to disagree. Regardless, I hope that the readers of this post, support some organization. The reality is that the trails that we all love to use are disappearing at an alarming rate.
If any reader wishes to do something for FREE, they can always sign up for our FREE newsletter and Take Action. This helps your fellow off-road users, as well as yourself if a trail you enjoy is kept off the chopping block.
Whether you support NORA or another organization, DO SOMETHING!
Erin Lara
And I really don't feel the need to share with anybody my own involvement in land access issues, I don't work towards those means in order to wear it on my chest as a badge of honor.
That hurts my feelings, I really put my self out there and exposed myself ....:lol:

and we're supposed to get badges :???:

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